Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Tipping Point

An interesting thing happened yesterday. The interesting and wonderful Renee celebrated her 53rd birthday, and people from blogland reached out in droves and by the hundreds to wish her well.
This event was fascinating to observe and be part of, and it reminded me of Malcolm Gladwell's book, The Tipping Point. It's about how epidemics begin and take hold. The whole concept is so fascinating that if you haven't read this book, and you enjoy seeing something in a whole new and unexpected way, I recommend it.
Meanwhile, what a virtual birthday party! I love witnessing good things happening to good people. And Ms. Renee of Winnipeg is certainly in that category.
Which brings me to another point. The number of wonderful people I have met blogging is remarkable. Not just virtual acquaintances, or internet friends, but real true relationships. And to that I say, on this rainy Sunday morning, yet again: thank you!


  1. yep, that was some party!!
    And you're welcome!

    I love the new avatar. It's so YOU ;)


    P.S. Good job btw! You get a sticker :)

  2. hey! time for a new avatar. my beloved valgal of course painted this for the cover of my book. it's the magic cottage in my side yard. xoxoxo!

  3. lo, how did you get here so fast?! a sticker? oh yay! actually, i owe you some. hey, our avatar colors are the same blue hue! how true!who knew?

  4. Have you read "Life on the Screen " by Sherry Turkle-it's a socialist's look at virtual worlds, back in the day when they were text based, and largely fantasy based. Very interesting stuff.

    I was a part of that world and it was fascinating, but this, this is real and much more fun.

  5. Oh HELL, I can't edit. My typo is there for all to see.


    I feel better.

  6. i love it!!! That is a touching story about Renee, I am without a computer so I am missing things but I did turn off my lights for an hour last night from 8:30-9:30 with all the other participants throughout the world :)

  7. It's true, there are some pretty amazing people out there that I'm pleased to call friends. Met some of them as well which is an even greater delight!

  8. Lovely party and glad I was invited (even tho I didn't really "know" the birthday girl.

    You are a gem yourself my friend.

  9. debra kay, i will want to get and read this book!

    val, i hope that computer cooperates soon. i just love seeing your painting every time i make a comment! you rock!

    baino, some pretty amazing people out there that i'm pleased to call friends: yeah, like you...

    mim, maybe i'm having a hard day, but your comment means alot. thanks so much. xo

  10. kj you have a very generous spirit.

    Why a bad day is something up?

    I can't see your avatar (I didn't know what it meant so I looked it up).

    You have a good a day as you give to everyone else. You are well loved.

    Love Renee xoxo

  11. it is wonderful when people come together...I wish I knew earlier about her party...I will have to pop by....

    I loved your message...about Mr. so cute and they feel so proud when they get things....

    hhahahahaha...thanks for sharing that....


  12. It is such an unexpected blessing, isn't it?

  13. Hi KJ! Thanks for visiting. It has been way too long. I don't get around much (obviously), but that Sweet Ces got me on a roll this morning.

    Yes, your magic cottage is you. Glad to see you are still blogging and stirring things up. Love Lolo's new avatar, too.

    I don't know Renee, but belated Happy Birthday!

    I do have that book but haven't read it yet.

    See ya in another year...haha.

  14. I just went and looked your book up on Amazon - you've got lots of great reviews! I'm so impressed and more than just a little envious. So proud of you, KJ!!

  15. No wonder you met so many people on line... you are such a friendly and wonderful person yourself... I guess you are like the sun...

  16. Whew! Yes, I AM emotionally exhausted. But in a very good way. Things like this always get my teary eyed. Love your new avatar!

  17. renee, by now you know our avatars are the little box pictures that accompany our comments. i always smile when i see yours here. well loved? what a nice use of words! thank you. ditto ditto.

    diana, i knew you'd enjoy that. i wish cole and mr. ryan could paint together. what a slop that would be!

    cs, a totally unexpected blessing. and an occasional unexpected challenge.

    baroness, what am i to call you? old habits die hard, ms. p. so nice to see you here. please come back. i've missed you. the book has been an amazing trip so far. just holding it in my hands gets my breathing heavier!

    sidney, you are a special man. i am so glad and honored to have your acquaintance.

    bella, emotional indeed. following your take on all of it has been fun in itself. that was an amazing comment you left for renee this morning. your ability to love deeply is embedded in everything you do, even when you try to hide it! :)

    lolo, i'm saying hello to you just because. :)

  18. Just a great big hug because I feel like it.

    I didn't get what an avatar was until I just read what you wrote.

    I always thought it was a banner.

    Love you. xoxooo and xooxoxox

    Big breaths in is what I tell myself. xoxo

  19. kj -- you know that Shelly is a hard sell. Where I fell in love with you in two minutes, it will take her 4 1/2 minutes.

    By the way what is your book about.

    Have a good night.

    Love Renee oxo

  20. renee, big breaths in is a good idea for all occasions.

    hey, that was a good hug. here's one back, with a little kiss on your cheek too.

    i don't know about my book, renee. i left some info on your blog--check out the reviews first, or shoot me an email if you want to know more. xo

  21. i just love my new avatar!

  22. not fair: it should have been a rabbit, like a picture of me, not a house.

    e. rabbit

  23. i take back the sincerely, it was a typing mistake
    e. v. v. rabbit

  24. kj I just checked your book and it looks awesome.

    I vote for love that is wide and big and inclusive and winning the day.

    Love Renee xoxoxo

  25. That is one FREAKIN' awesome avatar Ms. KJ!! And Ms. Val ;)

    I must go see the baroness now...I'm so behind!

