Babs: potpourri, facade, grace, freedom
Robyn: beautiful, madness, stories
Allegra: peaceful, graceful, helpful
Mim: chocolate, gifts, love
Chrisy: bliss, giggles, precious
Walking Man: credit card, environment, glutton
Suki: kindness, peace, kisses
Annie (Blissful Bohemian): askew, dazzle, sprinkle, Paris, joyous
Annie (Wine and Words): serendipitous, coincidink, fuck
Robin: Stars, glowing, chestnuts, sphere
Lo: persimmons, quietude, twinkle, gratitude, soft rain, billowy, friendship, acceptance, soft
Secret Agent: ginger, velvet, love
Anne: warmth, fulfilled, holiness, ethereal glow
Jos: joy, hug, bumblebee
Marion: patience, tweed, tussock, feisty
My own self (me): abundance, jubilant, mercurial
Here we go:
The stories I’ve heard
The chestnuts I’ve roasted
The ethereal glow
Of the patience I’ve hosted
Come along for the ride
The madness of joy
Just look at that tussock
And the grace we’ll employ
The road's built with freedom
The color of ginger
Fulfilled by bold bumblebees
And soft rain that will linger.
The stillpoint of friendship
Intersects at a giggle
Where warmth and kindness
Make a jubilant wiggle.
It’s an billowy challenge
Finding love and facades
Built with questions and quietude
Among all us bards.
You can’t stop the spheres
That soften the stars
Or the serendipitous patience
That carries you far.
It’s a fuck of a world
And a glutton of misses
But the credit card balance
Is velvet with kisses.
Go ahead—toss your faith,
Look downward askew
But don’t be surprised
To find potpourri when you do.
It’s best to be feisty,
Accept coincidink
It’ll warm your awareness
And change what you think.
Although mercurial
Love is like chocolate
You bite off a sprinkle
And you’re left to admit
That the melting's a gift
For behind the hard bliss
You’ll tumble and twinkle
Toward soft holiness.
Why not travel to Paris,
A persimmion road map in tow
On this hopeful first night
When the stars are aglow?
Let your gratitude beckon,
The environment’s right
Kindness will take you
Straight into that light.
It’ll dazzle your joy,
With tweed patterned grace
You’ll be well better off
Accepting this place
Among friends you can count on;
Their beautiful hugs
Will diminish the glutton
Of scoundrels and thugs.
Sign up for gratitude,
And acceptance ensues.
You learn that with love
You have nothing to lose.
Fail to trust if you dare
But I’m telling you straight
It’s a world of abundance
IF you don’t show up late.
Thank you! It was a blast to do this. Before I began writing I didn't know what the theme or emotion would be. Turns out this is an optimistic poem because that's what has been collectively created. That is how I feel about every friend and visitor to my blog. Blogging is one of my greatest joys. I thank you so much for all of it. I wish you the very best of a new year. Goodbye 2011, hello 2012. Be good to us all, please. Treat us kindly, let us love. Keep the joy a step ahead of the thumps and bumps and dumps and lumps. :^)