It's a lazy Sunday tapping me on the shoulder to tackle too-much paperwork. This is what I've been doing for the last three hours but it's time for a break. And what better way to relax and change the tone of things than to enter the treasures of the blogs. :)

2. When I was 13 I and four of my friends were arrested for breaking and entering into a closed-up mansion. We meant no harm, just curiosity, but it started me on a path of sometimes bending the rules with a smile. In high school I was occasionally sent to the Headmaster's office for talking too much or a little prank here or there, but I was always good natured about it and I accepted my punishments with a grin.
Now a bonafide adult, I still have trouble behaving. I think someday I will be arrested for chasing down a police car and trying to make a citizen's arrest because the officer was ignoring the speed limit for no good reason. I get jumpy about hypocrisy and jumpier still about injustice. I don't see that changing any time soon.
.3. Emily Rabbit first appeared to my partner JB and has been blabbing nonstop ever since. I rolled over laughing when she left this thank you note made from jellybeans. And honestly, I admire Emily's spunk. I wish I were as confident and clear about things and people as she is. Sometimes I am, but my feelings can be hurt easily. Most of the world knows my heart just about fell apart last year, what I can now say and view as a betrayal from someone I loved and trusted. Emily's solution has been to cry, whine, yell, throw frozen vegetables, and be done with it. She cannot understand my laments, and I actually welcome her point of view!
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4. One of the most precious moments of my life was seeing my Jessica give birth to Mr. Ryan. JB and I were at the hospital with her and my good-guy son-in-law, Mike. Now, three years and one Baby Drew later, I shout from the rooftops that this daughter of mine is an incredible mother. INCREDIBLE! It is an amazing thing to watch, to be part of. When Mr. Ryan does something he shouldn't, she stares at him and says, "Ryan, you are being a bad listener." It makes me laugh. It really does. And it works. :)