Monday, February 01, 2010

Life On The Couch

Tucked in between a visit to the butterfly museum where hundreds of butterflies flew overhead and landed everywhere, above exotic frogs and lizards and African quails and one reportedly spotted dinosaur;
around one adult and one 3 year old standing on a chair snapping green beans and (loosely) measuring brown rice and pancake batter (not at the same time);
besides taking a snow walk with BB, playing flower pot drums in the garage, and laying train tracks;
and tucked and in between and around and besides all that was time on and scenery from the couch, as follows:


Valerie Walsh, ValGal, my friend, an amazing artist: The Magic Cottage has a happy home here

Did you know that when the Elephant squirted Henry the Train in the face, he was a BAD LISTENER! (So says Mr. Ryan, who decided he could no longer watch this NOT NICE! action by the Elephant...

See how Val's painting sparkles?

His name is Robert Cardinal of Truro and Provincetown, and his Cape Cod and the Islands skies are magnificent.

Esther, Mildred & Angel Angel. Later in the day Angel Angel was thrown in the air and landed behind the couch, where she lay for 20 minutes or so, until she received an apology. I heard it from the other room, I'M SORRY ANGEL ANGEL...


Wall hangings made by one Ms. JB


Tolerant Stella had a vigilant weekend

When it was over, two little boys went home to happy somewhat rested parents, soon to come again, and one Adult realized that the view from the Couch is as important as the view from the Eiffel Tower or Mount Fuji or the Empire State Building.


  1. oh now that was nice!

    I always love posts about the sweet, simple things in life.

    A view from the couch. Does it get any better?

    Applause, applause ;)


  2. Oh, I loved that! And I was doing exactly the same yesterday as I was tucked in on the couch for a bit - I love everything I look at from there and that's how it should be! Loved your view from your couch!! Love, Silke

  3. I love these little peeks into your lovely home and the warmth of all the yellow. It's one of my favourite colours. I wonder what green beans and pancakes taste like?

  4. lovely. I like your view :-).xoxo

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. If I could pick a literary world to live in, it just might be the Island of Sodor.

  7. i so enjoyed this view, your home has so many lovely knick knacks.

  8. oh you sweet dear heart! everything in it's right place ;)
    loving you loving me loving you!
    stella and mr ryan are so darling, darling darling!

  9. Too right it is!!! On the subject of trains did you know recent informal research shows all children love train books all adults hate them for the violence and unkindness.

  10. I was going to comment about something else, and then I got distracted by my own giggling at the last picture.

  11. dear kj,
    i can feel the blissed out tired sigh on this journal page.i've done the same thing.
    kids+fun+LOVE= happy exhausted mamas and grandmamas.

    i love your idea of the view from the couch, what an interesting post. i may have to borrow your idea.
    rest now lovely friend,
    xoxo lori

  12. lo, thank you, thank you :)

    silke, what would you paint from your view from the couch? :)

    hello sophia, it;s nice to see you here. i think you should eliminate mondays from your week: you could give yourself two sundays instead. :)

    baino, HAHAHA! the pancake batter was EVERYWHERE! but we did it. and he didn't fall off the chair this time.. ♥

    hello annie, ♥ ♥

    middle, i like the way your mind works.... xoxo

    soul, i am the doodad queen. kicknacks everywhere. who else has birds on lamps? (love you joss)

    val, loving you loving me loving you loving me. HAHAHA! we are so compatible!!!! (mwah!)

    cs, is it because of the idiot's tarot or sex and the city or the general evidence that i am not as intelligent as i may seem? :)

  13. von, interesting. tell me more. because i like trains and they have for the most part treated me kindly.... :)

    lori, you know EXACTLY what my weekend was like! my sweet friend, please do photograph life from the couch. ! ♥

  14. I love that little boy watching Thomas, and then later apologizing to Angel Angel. So sweet! That took me back. :) I do miss those days! And why do I know Valerie Walsh's name? I'll have to google her. Lovely view from your couch! xox Pam

  15. pam, mr. ryan is 3 and quite a kid. he is in love with thomas.
    you probably know valgal because she is an incredible artist. you'll love a visit to her blog. tell her i said hello and mwah!

  16. oh how i would LOVE a weekend on the couch, just like that hee hee.
    One day I might :) thank you for sharing yours kj <3

  17. Rested parents and tired grandma's make for a fine week end. (Occasionally.) quite the diverse bookshelf material there KJ!

  18. Ahhh...a room with a view :-)

    We all have those if we just let ourselves revel in them...

    Sweetest post, KJ!

  19. Awww...look at all the cutie patootie....I love this so I live with are part of me....stuff! It is exactly what I imagine it to be.

    Is that your mom's Emily Post's "Etiquette"?!!! I have the same edition!!!


  20. Oh my lady..that was the sweetest post ever...I loved it...I need to ick your brain one day about a few things that i know you know...Love you dear friend

    xoxoxoxoxox oh ya I had to correct the grandson's name to Ayden...LOL


  21. ...and that watching two little boys from the couch is sooo much more satisfying than the best programme on TV!

  22. It would be fun to put a helmet cam on one of the boys, They make helmet cams for mountainbikers and skiers to record their runs. Or we could just duck tape a cheap video camera to a hat and put it on their heads.

    It could be "kids eye view" and what kid wouldn't love to run around with a camera duck taped to his head? Win win I say.

  23. sweetsweetmango, hardly a weekend on the couch!!! i was on the couch for maybe 45 minutes! but it was precious, my little companion teaching me about thomas and henry and the trains. xoxox

    mark, diverse :) i have my very own books in my office too, filling two good sized bookshelves. love those books. when i moved here i let go of many books, the first time i ever did that. so now what i have i would like to read/reread every one.

    thank you, teri ♥

    linda, HAHAHA! i got that emily post book long long ago, when i was first married.

    sonia, are you going to ick my brain or pick my brain, but not trick my brain, right? :) anytime heart sister. ♥

    arija, welcome, thank you for your visit here, please come any time. i avoid having the tv on as much as possible. i've found some of the children's programming to a happy exception. xo

  24. debra kay, what an awesome idea!i suspect the camera would seem to be moving at the speed of light!

    beloved moon sister, ♥

  25. What a fascinating post.
    Stella looks a gem.
    So interested that you are a writer too.
