Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thursday 13: Notes From My Moleskine

I'm on my fourth moleskine, headed to my fifth, and it's something I won't live without again until I'm too old to care. I use it for reminders, doodles, to-do's, quick poems, wry observations, sad laments, client notes, phone numbers, even an occasional recipe. But mostly I use it for inspiration. Here's a sampling from my scribbles in # 4:
1. 3/09: "Here I am again. I started with deep love and I'm nowhere near finished. I didn't expect loss or pain as part of the awakening."
2. Quote from I don't know who: "Care about people's approval and you will be their prisoner."
3. Note to myself " kj--get into a routine. Let it be a riverbank to your emotions."
4. Overhead in Nerissa's writing group: EGO = Easing God Out
5. Also overheard: "God likes it better when I hand the bone over."
6. Potential book titles, mentally stolen from other writer's stories: "Bake 350", "Before the Cat Died"
Potential book characters, also stolen: Kevin & Ginger
7. kj--write about TREES. And then watch how they bend.
8. From Nerissa--I understand this totally: "Don't shoot the second arrow." And I am so totally trying to live it.
9. When someone tells you they've had six marriage proposals, stop a minute and think about what that really says about them.
10. I heard this quote on the radio and wrote it down while driving: "I realized that I was in love with her and everything would be different now."
11. On a church sign: "Who would Jesus bomb?"
12. Another church sign: "Waiting for Holy Winds"
13. My heart remembers: When there wasn't a last good night, there was a first good morning.
P.S. If you don't own a moleskine, please allow me to recommend one wholeheartedly. The cover is strong and protective of all its inside pages (plus I love the sound when I knock on the cover). An elastic string keeps it easily closed. There is a back pocket to store little papers. And moleskines come in all sizes, lined or non-lined. I carry mine everywhere. My first was lovingly given to me with wonderful personal inscriptions, doodles, and illustrations peppered throughout the pages, leaving plenty of room for my additions. When I filled that one, I got another. And another. I'm permanently hooked.


  1. Fascinating comments to yourself. I am smiling because I do the same thing and I have lost count of how many Moleskines I have filled. I LOVE them also!!!

  2. Perhaps I need to make this a new habit...Love all your notes to yourself.

  3. I loved your list of things kj.


  4. i need a list of things to remind me of the other list of things that I need to keep track of all the lists...
    yes, I sound confused - I am - I have umpteen little books that I plan to write profound things in but end up with "ate 2 pancakes - 200 cals".

    Anyways - love your lists - it's meaningful

  5. mmm i had one once, must look for it again, i also have a zentangle book, a pastel book, my cactus books for my atc swaps...whew, didn't realise i had so is bella? any news, please let me know.

  6. I am afraid of journals...I just know if I had one and wrote in it, while I wasn't looking some nun of ancient years would come out of nowhere and smack me three or four times in the head with a large wooden ruler and tell me to "Write Neater Mr. Durfee!"

  7. teri, oh! so you too. do you know there are moleskine groups, esp. for illustrators?

    annie, it's actually a great habit.

    renee, thank you moon sister.

    mim, haha. mim, i have 'ate 2 pancakes-200 cals' in my moleskine too! or something damn close. what do you carry around to doodle on?--because you might fall in love with this option. i used to have umpteen little books too... xoxo

    soulbrush, wow! but multi-tasking creative artist that you are, i'm not surprised.

    walking man, i had those nuns too! and i say to you the adult from me the adult: can't think of a better reason to do it now. :)

  8. I have some moley to doodle and sketch. They are fantastic! And, now, I'm into one of those moleskine exchanges.... I have just received a moley from a an artist from the usa and I have to draw angels in it! How fun is that!!! :)))))
    I would LOVE to take a look into yours.... *sneaky* hehehehhee!

  9. Awesome! I need one of these things.

    My favorites: #2 ... I'm very bad about worrying what others think of me. Just this morning, I dropped C off at school and was worried what the principal was thinking of me because we're withdrawing C and putting both girls in private school. Ultimately, what other people think of me is none of my business. Gulp.

    #6 -- rockin' book titles
    #11 -- exactly!!

    Happy weekend, my friend!

  10. i love my moleskine... yes i have one ;-)

    best wishes

  11. We must be psychically linked-I just bought a pack of moleskines yesterday.

  12. Just what I needed- how DID you know? Love this post and am going to print it out and pin it to my board that inspires...

  13. hi kj - i was wondering if you'd like to contribute a letter or poem or piece of artwork to a package i'm assembling for bella... if so would you mind sending me an e-mail (it's on my blog) and i'll give you the details. xoxo aimee

  14. Ok I am going to sound like a bonehead here...Is a moleskin the type of material? it is made from MOLE? I have no clue....KJ I am thankful to have met you and so enjoy your posts sweetie...Smile at Emily for me..

    Hugs xoxox
    Sonia ;)

  15. I've often heard about the virtue of keeping a journal but my handwriting is so bad, I'd never be able to read it. Perhaps travelling to work by bus might peak my interest. Meanwhile, I keep my thoughts on a personal 'secret' blog. Very cathartic although not as spontaneous as having a book at hand. Who would Jesus bomb? Now there's food for thought!

  16. I saw an ad for Borders today - they were having a buy one Moleskine notebook, get one free special and I thought of you.

  17. mp, no chance of taking a look at mine....too many personal laments and longings! i wish i drew and doodled more in mine. my friend lolo is going to give me so quickie drawing lessons and i will like that. i want more visuals in my life! ps nice to see you here

    melissa, i shall be sending you a moleskine. count on it. and i will be excited about it! xoxo

    ribbon,i love knowing you have one!

    renee, xoxoxoxo--you bet.

    debra kay, hmmmmm. ps i am going to contact you about our collective 'get-together. my place might work...

    linda sue, hello and welcome. i'm headed over to your place.

  18. aimee, i thought about this and i am so glad you are doing this. thank you for helping everyone's collective and private sadness. xo

    sonia, see my comment on your blog.... :)

    baino, ARE you traveling to work on the bus? and about that secret blog, clever you are. wouldn't i love to get my teeth into that!!!

    cs, how nice to see you again!! i have missed you. i may just check out my local borders this weekend. you can never have enough.... xo

  19. I've been neglecting my Moleskine (among other things.)
    I'm waiting for my life to kick back in ;P


  20. Dear Sister,

    Very interesting..

    I like the way you put down your thoughts. There are few ones that I can identify.

    I am feel proud that some writer commented on my insignificant nonsense. I wish you can write 100 others novels in a true spirit. Don't stress on results, when we don't think about outcome, it will come automatically. I know it is easy to said than done but try once.


  21. OOoo!! Thank you, KJ! You're like my writing fairy godmother! :)

  22. Good morning kj.

    Some jokes just can't be explained are it wouldn't be funny anymore.


  23. lo, xoxoxoxoxo

    shubhajit, i love your visit to my blog and i love your advice! please come back--i love the way you write english also! xoxo

    melissa, i'm on a shopping mission....

    renee, you stinker. i've pleaded directly to your blog , so there!

  24. Yeah!
    I bought two in SF. And send one to Lolo and kept one to myself.
    In august I will go to Sweden on a holiday and I will try to do something with it.
    Mine is with watercolorpaper so I will write and draw etc. I also bought 2 for the boys with normal paper. Hope we can make something nice of them........

    Thanks for sharing and inspiring

  25. Lovely post kj. I have several moleskines and I adore them. A small one in my handbag for jotting down everyday stuff; one beside the bed where I write Chris' and my 'three blessings' at the end of the day and a bigger one where I make notes about books I'll write one day, places I'll see, ideas for retreats etc.

    You and I just find out that we're more alike every day. :) xx

  26. What a lovely idea. Thank you for coming to my Cantina party! Are you coming again today with the wine? The Mister makes pretty amazing hamburgers with chunks of mozzarella cheese INSIDE the burgers! I know! Who would have thought of that! **blows kisses** Deborah

  27. Being an isolated little desert dweller, I had to google Sambuca. I've go to say, you are my kind of gal! Come stay for vacation!
