
Emily, do you mind if I use the blog Wednesday so I can post more about New York?
Please Emily, just this one time. I want to show the buildings and signs I saw there.
I would give you $ 5 if you would agree not to have a temper tantrum.
WAAAA WAA WA Well.......
And so it came to be that kj's pictures of New York City trumped Emily Rabbit's suspicious but not really cocaine jelly bean story this one time:









Emily thanks for letting kj use your space.... not impressed that you made it difficult for her to upload the photos - how did you do that? I would love to have that kind of power over blogger :)
ReplyDeletekj I'm loving my time in NY here at your blog. Thanks heaps for this... a graffiti knitters dream - all those poles and wonderful signs.
thanks you :)
I'm leaving now smiling in my dreams of my NY time x robyn
Emily, you only had a tiny tantrum it seems, and that is good. perhaps you could spend the time tending your garden (and throwing a few peas) this wednesday since you didn't get to post this week (and kick your feet in the air extra hard). but it really was awfully kind of you to let kj put up these fantastic photos of NYC.
ReplyDeletekj, these photos are so great, i'm really enjoying this, however, did the ones from the 39th floor make you dizzy like they did me??
xoxo lori
Well it certainly shows that you got high in New York! (I love your sidebar picture as well . . cute girls indeed)
ReplyDeleteThose tall building ones made me dizzy too but I love them all. would love to see "my big gay italian wedding" - what fun that would be.
ReplyDeleteAin't nothin' like NYC
I love these shots!! Signs always thrill me, especially when they're artistically painted on the buildings. And the one about the first woman plumber...GO GIRL!!
ReplyDeleteOne of the shots actually made me hold on for a moment. It was so good I had vertigo!
I'm glad you had a wonderful time. I agree about us and our cameras. I would have done just fine as long as I knew I'd be home soon enough ;)
Even this weekend, three nights at your wonderful home is great but I'll still be homesick for my own fur babies and Bri. I do need some me time though!
See you soon PP;)
robyn, thank you (as always) for your visit, kind words, and friendship. i am enthralled by what you are doing, secret knitter, and OMG if you did this in new york city!!! i hope one day, robyn. and with lori!!!
ReplyDeletelori, i cannot give emily your eloquent compliment because i saw her heading out this morning, on her way somewhere, with her laser gun and a three freezer bags of frozen peas. WTF?! yes, lori, looking down at times square like that made my knees shake!
baino, high in new york, high on the couch, high on life. that's what i want! ♥
mim, you KNOW my italian background would enjoy that play right along with you! yay for the lutheran church!
lo, us and our cameras are a happy foursome!! three nights at my wonderful home? are you coming here, pp? HAHAHAHA! what fun thinking about seeing you!! and you come to visit and i'm not even here!!! what kind of friend am i?!
(stella is jubilant.) and where will emily be? xoxoxo
I hope you know that you are personally responsible for: A. Me wanting to go to NY, NY. B. Me wanting to buy a new camera and take sign photos. C. Me wanting to see a live musical.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay. At least I have goals now. hee hee! Love your pics, kj! xo Pam
Ps My vert word is prigue. Is that related to prude?
prudie1, i think we might be related. xoxo
ReplyDeleteAh, these photos bring back the sights and pulse of NY.... it is particularly lovely in Springtime.... Central Park is filled with plum blossoms, the smell of the hot pretzels...
ReplyDeleteI miss it.... a lot.
As for Emily, she was on the phone last night, giggling as she let fire several peas with the laser gun....saying, "Wrobin - didya hear that? I hit the fence down the road! A-ha-ha!"
Be careful, Lo! With KJ gone, Emily may try to wreak havoc!
♥ Wrobin ♥
P.S. LOVE the photo of you and JB!
♥ Robin ♥
These are awesome signs and building Kj, a few made me laugh out loud. I also love the photo of you and JB. And Emily thank you for stepping aside this Wednesday :-).
robin, i think anyone who has never been to nyc would be shocked by the size and beauty of central park. of course the real estate around it is reserved for woody allen and ben affleck but still....
ReplyDeleteemily called you? oh my! you must be one special woman! please don't encourage her. i am waiting to hear about broken windows and/or stolen lettuce. she's been gone since early this morning.... :)
annie, i relish making you laugh out loud! $ 350 fine for honking? HAHAHA! i'm sure the neighborhood appreciates that! ♥
charming all. I dont think I'd recognize NYCity were I to go there. looks so different. I am not fond of heights and thus would only take photos from below.
ReplyDeletewoo-hoo for female plumbers!
ReplyDeleteAnd Betty White,,
and cute sidebar girls,,
and Emily, who is very generous today.
(ha,,,did that sound good, Em?)
Great, glitzy NY photos!
suki, my feet were secure on the floor and you know those hotel windows are glued shut!
ReplyDeletebabs, i didn't notice the FEMALE plumber part until i downloaded the photo. way to go!
Oh, my goodness, I'm going to have to get caught up here, but now I have to clean the kitchen and go to bed. Looks like you had the most fun in NYC!! I'll be back to linger.... Love, Silke
ReplyDeletesilke, rest up! you know you are welcome here anytime. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI love these photos - nice touring with you kj!