I feel like I've been away too long, which I kind of have since I've had one weekend in the tall big city and another in the rolling green country. I wasn't far from blogging and my friends here though. I thought of you every time I snapped my camera or came across something I couldn't wait to share.
I'm writing this on Thursday night. Tomorrow JB and I are driving two hours to see how the spiffying up of my Mother's house is coming along, and Mr. Ryan and baby Mr. Drew are coming for the weekend. This will be total exhaustion. I say this from experience. But I am very excited. I am loving figuring out what I will and want to give/share/support/guide/love these two precious grandchildren of mine. Ryan is 3, Drew turned one in April. I don't know Drew as well as I know Ryan. So time with him is overdue and good.
I feel like I've been away too long, which I kind of have since I've had one weekend in the tall big city and another in the rolling green country. I wasn't far from blogging and my friends here though. I thought of you every time I snapped my camera or came across something I couldn't wait to share.
I'm writing this on Thursday night. Tomorrow JB and I are driving two hours to see how the spiffying up of my Mother's house is coming along, and Mr. Ryan and baby Mr. Drew are coming for the weekend. This will be total exhaustion. I say this from experience. But I am very excited. I am loving figuring out what I will and want to give/share/support/guide/love these two precious grandchildren of mine. Ryan is 3, Drew turned one in April. I don't know Drew as well as I know Ryan. So time with him is overdue and good.
We will all walk to the park next door. There is a little water park, an electric train with little carriage cars, paddle boats, the river and fireplace sites. In a nearby town there is the Eric Carle Museum. There will be probably be pancakes made by me, books and puzzles on the couch, digging in dirt, pushing petunias into the ground. And I don't know what else yet. I am hoping my exhaustion does not take over until Sunday. I doubt that is in any way a realistic hope. :)
Anyway, this is supposed to be a mish mash. Here goes:
Anyway, this is supposed to be a mish mash. Here goes:
1. Clients: When I post about my clients, I don't do it to get compliments on what a good person I am to do this work. I appreciate the compliments, but honestly I'm more interested in whether what I share shines a light on something that is helpful to know, that might help you or someone else.
So in this vein may I tell you that Lily turns 14 next week. Things are way better for her than they were a year ago; then she and her Mother were two of the poorest clients I had-- barely furniture in the apartment and no money for anything. Lily is not likely to make it past 8th grade. She doesn't even try and the schools she will go to are bad. Anyway, for her birthday I took her over the bridge five miles to Michael's Arts and Crafts Store. I told her she could buy
$ 10 worth of anything. This was a big trip for her. She was nervous when I seemed lost (I was). She had never heard of Michael's before. The whole thing was a smash success. When I took her home, she hugged me, said thank you, even stopped non-stop talking for two minutes. Here's what I hope: I hope she will remember this as one of those moments you always remember. (note: therapists are not really supposed to be taking clients to stores. I push the envelope. I think it's good therapy.)
2. There are currently 31 stories and letters to Renee on the blog "Renee's Book of Love". I haven't written mine yet, and many others of Renee's friends haven't yet. I hope by Fall maybe we'll have 50 stories, or more. This is what I'm thinking to make a book out of this: I am going to take copies of some of Renee's posts to the local Cancer Connection. Then I'm going to ask them to endorse a local grant I will then apply to for $ 1000 to publish Renee's book.
This is one of those things I am just trusting will get done one way or another. Thank you for the privilege, Ms. Renee. (note # 2: If you happen to be in love with Renee and you haven't contributed something in words or colors yet, please consider doing so. I think it will make you happy for years ahead.)
This is one of those things I am just trusting will get done one way or another. Thank you for the privilege, Ms. Renee. (note # 2: If you happen to be in love with Renee and you haven't contributed something in words or colors yet, please consider doing so. I think it will make you happy for years ahead.)

& Wonderful talented amazing Caroline has given her permission to use this wonderful talented amazing watercolor for the cover of Renee's Book of Love

3. Stella is feeling better, but she is not herself. The surgery took a lot out of her. She is afraid to walk in certain parts of the house. She needs towel changes on her bed. She won't come in my office or go out the back door. I think she will continue to improve. As for the tumor, it will likely come back but hopefully not soon. I hope not for two years anyway. This is a good dog. She tries as hard as she can, and she says thank you with her eyes.

4. Friends: Don't they look like fun to hang out with?

5. HELP! I only have so much time, and I don't know whether to work on my second book, promote my first one, or at least try to draw and paint. Please tell me what to do..... :)
6. Sometimes at night the light in my house looks unreal. It might be the yellow walls, or my camera, but I don't think that's all of it.


7. Do you think these signs are funny?
These are not city signs.

8. I am going to Provincetown for 3 WEEKS in August. JB and I will have lots of company: (and possibly certain friends who make my heart sing). I hope I get five days alone to write. In Provincetown the words just seem to flow; I just have to keep up with them so I can write them down.

Finally, if you've been reading this post too long already, lucky for you it's taking me too long to download or is it upload any more of my photos. So I will end here by clarifying that I still qualify as a bona fide confused seeker and I am not out of the emotional woods yet even though I concede that I may be and not know it.....
Just saying...,
This post didn't seem too long to me. I enjoyed the romp and thoroughly enjoyed myself. :)
ReplyDeletenot too long to me, love seeing Stella's lovely face. why won't she go into those particular rooms - poor baby.
ReplyDeletehave a lovely week!!! I am actually Leaving today ( I simply can't believe it!!!)
I liked this mish mash!
ReplyDeleteRenee's sweet face always makes me sigh.♥
And Stella, my new ♥ connection. Give her my love.
Might I be one of those P'town visitors?? Hmmm, and might I be bringing a guest from the Netherlands that is near and dear to me??? I think so!
I love what you did for Lily. As a girl who grew up as she did, I can tell you she'll absolutely never forget your act of kindness. As you know, I had that connection with my probabtion officer. Forty-five years later we're still friends ;) She knew I was a good kid in a bad situation.
I'm so glad Mim is getting on that plane!!!! (I digress.)
And yes, the light in your home glows. I told you, you can feel the love as soon as you walk in ;)
i loved this post and the water color for the cover of the book. Its beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteKJ, a wonderful (and not too long) post. Of course we all KNOW that whe you write about your clients you don't do it to receive praise.... it is heartwarming though and in this age where we are inundated with nothing but sad news - to hear that you are helping bring light and love into these young people's lives is a huge lift to many of us.
ReplyDeleteI must also digress and say that I am happy Mim is airborne now and winging her way towards Bella Italia!
You KNOW how I feel about Stella - such a sweetheart....she has been through a lot....and I feel that she will lose her fear about entering certain rooms with each passing day. Love is the healer.
Renee's "Book of Love" will be the most wonderful gift we can give her family.....and each other. Thank you for being our coordinator with this!
And lastly, (My comment is as long as your post!), your glowing yellow home is a testament to you...glowing with joy, laughter and hope,,,it's infectious!
Love, Love,
♥ Robin ♥
I sooooo need a vacation from everything; to hole up, get things done and then start with a clean slate!
ReplyDeleteI hope your vacation will let you write.
And I'n not telling you what to do; you have to see which item weighs heaviest in you heart. THAT'S what you should do.
And now I'm off to either attack the yard or attack the mountain of laundry while trying to work in the studio too.
Oh joy. :-[
I wish Lily had a better chance in life too. But she has a good friend - maybe that will make a difference.
ReplyDeleteRenee. Beautiful Renee. Renee died and I left for Japan and didn't grieve for a while. Now when I try to write, I still cry. You know? It is so hard, but I will do it dear heart.
Stella is such a gorgeous lady. Kiss her sweet nose and scratch behind her ears for me.
You know what you should write....:>)!!! And I can't wait!
Your house looks like you, the light of somebody's life. The way Ryan and Drew see you. Have fun with the little guys crawling all over you with kisses and hugs and squeals of delight.
dear lydia, what a time you've had with dex. how certain people find one another is amazing, isn't it? that i would have real actual wonderful friends from this blog will forever soften me. xoxox
ReplyDeletemim, hahaha: when will you see this comment from me? probably never! because when you return from italy i doubt you will be able to go this far back. but let me say it publicly anyway: you are such an addition to my life. probably everyone who reads your blog knows about your character and creativity. girl: have the BEST time ever. ♥
lo, might you be one of those ptown visitors? you bet your life!our last time in ptown is etched in my memory forever! what a time we had! thanks for liking my house and space so much: sometimes when i walk in it all i hear is grumbles. then i think, 'oh, that's ME!' ♥
how do we know, i HAVE to put you on my blog list. you are so kind to visit me and i don't reciprocate nearly enough. and yes, caroline's watercolors are magnificent. xoxo
These are just more reasons why I love and adore you so much, my Twinkiest Twin! Renee's beautiful face made my heart leap a little, as does the face (and those eyes!!!) of your sweet Stella.
ReplyDeleteThe work you do with your clients humbles me, it really does. You are making such a difference in the lives of these children and their families. Their hearts will always remember your kindness and goodness. You are showing them that there is more in life than sadness and poverty and violence and exclusion.
I hope you have a wonderful time with Drew and Ryan, and that the memories awakened by your visit to your mother's house are more sweet than bittersweet.
Enjoy every moment with your beautiful JB, dear friend. What the two of you have is priceless.
I won't be around the blogs much this summer. Our new(ish) computer is slow and temperamental, for some reason. And I've got some other issues with blogging I need to work out. But I'm always thinking of you, even if I'm not here.
Wishing you the best of the best, always,
Large love and huge hugs,
Oooh! and Caroline's watercolor! Absolutely gorgeous! Renee would have loved it!
The pictures of Renee and Stella made me cry, perhaps I am just emotional this morning.
ReplyDeleteLove to you my friend.
Happy weekend.
robin, you are a love. do you know?
ReplyDeletethank you for noticing everything and then some. please leave the longest comments ever and often because i always smile when i know it's you. i am sending Fall energy across the miles. xoxox
anne, if you ever find yourself escaping before you know what even happened, and you are heading east, well, you would be sooooo welcomed. take it easy, girl. those storms and those leaves have been a pile up and it's time to pamper your own good wonderful self. emily told me to tell you to follow her advice and rules. she said you'll know what she means. xoxo
dear linda....i know. i don't think i've really grieved yet either because i can't seem to write my love letter to her...yet. but we both have to. you know that, right? and yes yes, i KNOW. it will be your fault, but the wheels have begun to turn. xoxo
angela, you won't be around the blogs so much this summer? well then i will have to hold on to you through a card or xoxo here and there and through love in the air. you are my forever twinkly twin, angela. i am thrilled that this watercolor of caroline's will be the cover of renee's book. i think it is totally perfect. renee would say fucking perfect! take good care, i will find you even in the quiet moments. we are friends. xoxo
ah annie, you snuck in. oh annie, i read your post last night. i am praying for abundance and for your Mother's well being. i wish i could help. i am off today in a few minutes but please know my shoulder and hand and headphone are available anytime. the boys are here this weekend and that is a crazy time, but after 8 pm my time i am free. love you, annie. take care. ♥
ReplyDeleteYour life is full and it is good. You are so blessed my friend. And we are blessed by you.
ReplyDeleteI miss Renee.
Have a great time this weekend and do not settle for tired until the weekend is over, you can sleep when you are dead!!!
Love and hugs dear one.
Oh boy kj, can i just take what everyone else has said in their lovely comments and make them my own? these mish mashes are always so fun and charming to read.
ReplyDeleteit is truly a journal of your life.
and for this weekend, don't forget your wheaties!
So many comments I'd make, if I had the time,,,,busy here too.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy those little boys, I know you will,,,their time little is so fleeting.
I haven't written for Renee's book yet either,,,but it will come.Bless, bless for doing this & taking care of the particulars.
The light in your house is just angel glow,,,reflecting from your work with Lily and others.
And Stells,,,,oh Stells, I adore your eyes and I want to hug you in a big way.
Jeeeez, I ended up with lots of comments after all.
Shutting up now,,getting busy.
Kj, Thank you sweetie. xoxo
ReplyDeletedearest marie, so many people tell me how much they envy my life. and yet, that often makes things harder when i can't seem to get out of my own way. we all do the best we can. you and i FEEL. sometimes that makes things more difficult but it also has a richness to it. love to you always, marie. have a great weekend.
ReplyDeletelori, there is no one i know who does a better job of sharing journals of her life than you do. i love you very much. xoxo
babs, thank you so much. i know stella would love you. i can just see you, like lolo, lying on the floor with her. i am so glad to have the kids here. i love creating memories for them and i love influencing them in my own controlling way. :) xoxox
annie, ♥
Just whizzing in to say Hi. You do a sterling job KJ! And dear Stella - she really does look like a very good dog - hope she gets a little stronger with each day and that you have many more years with her.x
ReplyDeleteLove your mish mash and there's a third chair on your Province town porch that one day I WILL sit on! You're second on my bucket list after Paris, truly. You are also a fine counsellor and stepping outside the square now and then is harmless and totally fine as for help with publishing/drawing . . .I have none other than a professional 'reader' friend of mine isn't keen on self publishing, try to get one of the major publishers to pick you up. Stella pulls my heartstrings, poor old dog. As long as she's comfortable, she'll be happy. And your home is so cosy, so comfortable, no wonder the light dances around the room. Have a wonderful weekend with your babies.
ReplyDeleteOh and can you make any comments (if you're so inclined) by return email. I never have time to come back and read your responses even though I'd like to! Big squeeze from Aus.
some lovely faces shown here. human and animal alike. hope you are not toooo tired today. (sunday)
ReplyDeleteNot too long at all...Renee, I did not know her long but every time she visited my blog, her heart was in it. Stella, every extra day is a treasure, long as she tells you the same. Sugared lemons, that is what that color of your room reminds me of.