1. This quote is on each of my friend Kris's emails. I'm sharing it because I keep thinking about it and I know it's true:
"nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in a love quite absolute, final way. what you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. it will decide what gets you out of bed in the mornings, what you do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you.
fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything. pedro arrupe, s.j.

2.This has been an ambivalent week. JB and I have been alternately sick. I only missed one day of work but I've been dragging. Today I'm much better I'm also trying to calm my ego into a state of "ignore, it's not about you".
This is also the week that almost everything changed in my yard. April is my favorite month by far. The daffodils are open, the tulips are preparing, the trees are donning leaves, and the buds are getting ready.
It is a time for new growth and renewal. The colors and pops of spring helps me do that.
3. Remember my Mother and her "Messy Christmas"? Today something just as funny happened. I have a ten year client we so art therapy together. She was making a birthday card for her four year old brother. She was careful and colorful, writing each letter and drawing three pictures inside the card: her brother, her self, and in between a birthday cake.
On the outside she wrote in big letters: HAPPY BITCHDAY
I didn't tell her....

4. I love shadows.

5. The sun has been out for three days and the yellow and pink and purple colors are coming fast. This azalea bush also opened today and assures that we will have fresh cut flowers in the house this weekend.

7. This appeared his morning in my front yard. These are hosta leafs breaking through the ground. The leafs come up like little missiles and will each be some shade of large oval green leaves.
8. Have you ever wondered what actress or actor you would choose to play you? I thought of this tonight and I should probably be too embarrassed to say this out loud, but in the role of me I would want Julia Roberts or Meredith I-can't-remember-her-last name from "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" and the Today Show.
9. This is the back side of my house. I am landscaping like a snail and I'm feeling no pressure. There are two things I've promised myself I will do out of love and not out of obligation: gardening and blogging.

11. These are JB's grasses. By July they will be very green and very huge and some of them very willowy. When Mr, Ryan comes to visit we play hide and seek and run through the grasses. Looking at the shape of them now, what a miracle, huh?

12. This is a picture of a bribe! The four houses that comprise our cul d'sac (how do you spell that? I should know...) are not happy that a round-about (rotary) is being built quite close to our street. It is expected to take 18 months to finish at a cost of $ 2 million dollars. We fought for a simple streetlight and I think it will be shown that simple would have been much better.
Anyway, a strip of grass on the street side of our fence is going to be temporarily used as a path for walkers and bike riders to enter the park next door and avoid the construction. The chief engineer or manager or whatever he's called said he will try to make things as easier and less disruptive as possible for us. I met him yesterday and I have to admit he was a charmer and a willing listener.
So this morning he dropped off this magnolia bush (I think it's a bush. Does anybody know?). Kind of a gift. Smart man, wouldn't you say?
13. I was in a high school today and I saw this sign on the wall:
Love All
Trust a few
Harm None
William Shakespeare
Did Shakespeare actually write this?
Thank you for your visits and your friendship.
I am forever appreciative.
Hi Kj, You can do better than Julia Roberts, can't you? Not to be mean, but she is not on my list. I would want Kate Winset(spelling?) to play me in a movie.
ReplyDeleteI love all your photos and I love the quotes, my friendship with god and spirit is the guiding factor in my life and shakespeare wrote a lot of cool stuff! I am sorry you and JB have been sick. Blessings on you both. Sending love and hugs.
OMG annie!!!!!! you are so right. i want kate winslet to play me too! i have a longstanding huge crush on her. but annie, i think julia roberts has substance. i loved pretty woman and i've been impressed hearing her speak. but kate winslet and julia are my top choices as of now!! ♥
ReplyDeletesweet! i enjoyed this especially Happy Bitchday ;) yer swell :D
ReplyDeleteHappy Bitchday, a new holiday! I love it.
ReplyDeleteSo many wonderful pictures and lovely words too!
I am sorry you and JB haven't been feeling well.
Be better fast.
Love and huge hugs.
val!!!!! yer swell too. august?
marie, we are just about recovered. i got sick in aruba, i gave it to jb, she got sick, she got well, she got sick again, she gave it to me. what a persistent little virus!! but we are now off work until tues and it is springtime here, very beautiful. i saw that anne is having not-spring weather and i hope that improves for her lickity split. ♥
I coughed three times this week, did you give it to me too? you generous thing you!!!
ReplyDeletelove the fluffy erection. what a great image. my hosta are starting to poke their heads thru also, and I still call them "funkia" - does anyone else call them that?
I know you asked questions, but I can't remember them...it's too early ...have a lovely day
You have more color happening in the East than we do here in the Midwest. But then you had a harder wetter winter so I guess it all evens out in the end.
ReplyDeletefor fantastic acting, dame judi dench or helen mirren, for bitchy in your face-kathy bates, for glamour and beauty i would have sophia loren.
ReplyDeleteeveryone is sick, get well soon, love the erections, send some this way!
thanks for all your love kj and here is mine back at ya. (it doesn't matter what people say or think about you, only you know the real YOU).
love ya
joss xx
(word veri-danced)
Dear KJ, I hope you and JB are already feeling much better. One would hate to be in bed on a beautiful weekend... Your garden looks like it is exploding into it's colorful beauty! I love how it goes so fast once there is a little bit of warmth...
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, I've never thought about anyone playing me in a movie. I'll have to give that some thought...
And "Happy Bitchday"?! How perfect is that?!?! When is the official date for this holiday. It could be a most entertaining Hallmark holiday...
Get well soon!! Love, Silke
I really think there ought to be a calender day, Bitchday.
ReplyDeleteThere could be a massive celebration, with wine of course, and our flower would be the erect magnolia......
And I will stop now because I know what happened when I tried to write over at Pams!
ah mim, i will feel TERRIBLE if you are or become sick. even wonderful company and a fine italian meal won't compensate. the questions? ahhh, let me think....
mark, i am so psyched winter is gone. i might be a new person even... :)
sophia, kathy, helen, thanks for the boost. i am rarely sick so this lingering $$$##@ is giving me a run for my money! xoxoxo
silke, hmmmm, i'm thinking of who would play you in a movie too. TBD!
i'm loving this explosion of color. i am now thinking of an official happy bitchday. anne has good ideas... :)
no, anne, please don't stop! an official holiday with a fluffy erection. it sounds pretty awesome. :)
i agree that april is a wonderous month so full of beauty and color and openings. have to chuckle at your who would play me in a movie question. i used to think Sallie Fields when younger as i think she looks sorta like me. but i wish i looked like michelle pfeiffer (sp).
ReplyDeletehope your colds are fluing, and mean fleeing. Love, suki
Love the quote from Father Arrupa.... those Jesuits! Say what you will about the current state of the Church - but there were (and still are) some amazing minds there. It is beautiful - and TRUE.
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful that Spring has arrived in your area! We have had three days of sun - but another huge storm enroute on Sunday.....sigh.
Beautiful photos of your home/garden! I can almost smell the blossoms.
As for who to play you? Well, perhaps 2 actresses....one for the "younger" KJ - Cate Blanchett (?) and one for the "current" KJ - Meryl Streep! Both are strong, beautiful and great actresses.
So glad you and JB are finally feeling better....
Love, Love,
♥ Robin ♥
Okay, you can like Julia, I won't hold it against you :-). I LOVE Kate! Also forgot to tell you, I love that Bitchcard :-).
ReplyDeleteAnd you too.
The yard's lookin' good girlfriend! I know I'll be there in person eventually :)
ReplyDeleteI love the bitchday card. I'm so glad you didn't tell her although I'm sure she knows by now!
Soulbrush's erection comment made me spit out my vitamin water!! What a hilarious hoot! And she didn't say send ONE over here, she clearly said SOME!
The quote on your friend's blog is a goodie. I'm going to borrow it too, okay?
Okay, who'd play me in a movie?
Younger me would definately be Meg Ryan or Mary Stuart Masterson with the flakiness of Diane keaton as Annie Hall:P
The adult me? Perhaps feisty Cathy Bates, I adore her!
Great question, Pumpkin Pi!
I want a Happy Bitchday. On that day, I could complain as much as I wanted and be happy doing so. Think of how much garbage would be released! With the greatest of joy...
ReplyDeleteKj, I've often thought of you as Katherine Hepburn. I thought she was one of the classiest of actors...just as classy as you are!
I'm so sorry both of you have been ill...Graham and I were both sick for the first two months of this year. With Spring arriving in your part of the world, I'm hoping it won't be long until you feel your oomph return.
Love and hugs!
Rebirth and growth, hope and promise. I have to say, I am just reveling in this month.
ReplyDeleteHi Kj ~ Sorry I haven't been around much... I read your posts and love them! I love all your photo's (love your house) and the pictures of live happening in your yard...
ReplyDeleteI'm still fighting with the swine flu... but that pig is not going to win! :)
Much love to you and yours~
now i have to go back and read the rest of your lovely post.
heeeheeheehe. :)
alright, composed now...
ReplyDelete1. beautiful quote
2. get well quick okay?!
3. bitchday hahaha!
4. love shadows too.
5. yay sun!
7. wow! love the new growth, was going to say how erect they look, but i won't.
8. i've never thought that. hmm... maybe my daughter, she's not an actress (yet) but today she's filming a lexus commercial!
9. good promises. me too.
10.what happened to #10 ?
11. looks kind of like tumbleweeds right now (which i love).
12. i see a bribeweiner tree.
13. hmm..i don't know (i see wieners in the air).
i love your house kj, blue shutters, sigh.
it's been a lovely visit.
♥ lori
kj, sorry it's me again, i just wanted to say how wonderful it is your books sales are increasing, that is justifiably thrilling!
ReplyDeleteand i have no idea why i'm being so silly, maybe a few nights of no sleep i promise to stop calling your lovely flowers weiners.
I don't believe in God but I do believe in love.
ReplyDeleteGlad you're getting better sounds like a bout of 'man flu'! Haha
isn't it amazing how a garden comes to life with a little warmth and water, everything here is so green! The bunnies are very happy about that I can tell you. Love your magnolia and it will grow into a good sized bush/tree when you plant it out. Who would play me? Haha Dawn French! The Vicar of Dibley! or Jennifer Saunders from AbFab!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hi kj! I'm confused. Isn't every day Bitchday? hee hee! I hope you & JB get better pronto so you can enjoy the weekend! I have no idea WHO would play me in a movie - the very idea has me giggling like crazy. Me! hahaha! I will give it some serious, serious thought. Yes, I will. ;) xoxo Pam
ReplyDeleteWow kj that fluffy erection
ReplyDeleteis pretty ;)
Your home is beautiful.
I would love to come and visit with you.
I hope you are feeling much better now. I too had a bug for longer than was comfortable, but it's just a cough now.
Can you hear me coughing? it's okay I have my hand over my mouth ;)
I like the bribe that you received too. Keep us posted on what it becomes.
love to you
xxx Robyn
ReplyDeleteno real thoughts on who could play me ~ that's something I've never considered x
I just love you and your blog post and how much that birthday card made me laugh!
ReplyDeletehugs to you,
suki, sally fields! michelle pfieffer! i can totally see that. but do you fly, suki? :)
ReplyDeleterobin, you are so awesome, and not just because you said cate blanchette or meryl streep :) i am wishing warm sun for you. you deserve it by now. xoxo
annie, it's official: we are going to soon celebrate international happy bitchday. start preparing your list please. :)
meg/mary/kathy/pumpkin pi, you are going to see my yard eventually. eventually can be 2015. i will kidnap you before then. i'm glad that our ms. soulbrush made you laugh so. me too. i love how she approaches topics one way or another related to S-E-X, :)
marion, katherine hepburn? please come here and let me hug you marion. tsup! mwah! but did she ever have 40 pounds to lose?
thanks for your well wishes about this tenacious bug jb and i seem to have. it's getting better. hey! i love you, marion...just so you know. xoxo
yay! my friend cs is having a good month!!!!
ReplyDeletepattee, gosh, i hope you are feeling better. renee's dear friend allegra has the swine flu too. i know it's a bear and i hope it is soon behind you. i am glad to hear from you today, pattee ♥
lori, HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA!!!!! i love laughing with you; it feels like you are right here and of course we can't stop giggling. it's because of those flying penises. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
lori, now you've done it: all spring and summer i am going to walk around my yard and think of either wieners or you, not to be confused with eachother of course.
ahem, hee, heehee, ah, hahaHAHA.
:) PS. nice to know you're back!!
hells, i believe in love too. did you know? :) hells, i don't know either of those two women you mentioned to play you. are they gutsy and cute and fascinating? are they crusty and soft? do they have a friend in new england who was recently called a drama queen?
pam, hello! this is funny because i don't know what you look like but i think of debra winger to play you. i've always liked her strength and humor and vulnerability rolled into one. now, as for happy bitchday: i am soon to declare a formal holiday. do you think we should establish a limit on the number of happy bitches allowed? i don't think it would be fair for one person to bitch about 100 things at a time....(okay, so maybe i am thinking that might be me!) :)
ReplyDeleterobyn, if you told me you were coming to visit me i would first almost faint and then i would jump up and down like a five year old in disneyland. oh and i would call lori and ask her to come right away too! i am glad you appreciated the fluffy erection (hahahee). and yes i can hear you coughing. did you give this bug to me, robyn? ♥
jessie, i miss you a thousand ways. i am so happy about what you have created for yourself and i am so proud of you. i am getting too sentimental...i just love you too. :)
Blogger didn't eat your comment.
ReplyDeleteThere is a whole tutorial on down loading your original blog first LOL! It really was very easy though.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Happy Bitchday, gosh I love that!
Have a magical long weekend!! It is almost summer here. The earthquake must have changed everything. LOL!!
Love and hugs.
KJ, I very much enjoyed the photos, esp of your house. I heard that Rhode Island got heavy flooding this week, and I thought of you since you write from time to time about vacationing there. I hope you were able to stay dry through it all.
ReplyDeleteP.S. The Shakespeare quote is from "All's Well That End's Well."
ReplyDeleteYour mystery word is spelled "cul-de-sac."
1) Extremely thought-provoking.
ReplyDelete2) Hope you are both completely well for the weekend.
October is my favorite month.
3) Bitchday!
4) Outstanding photos.
5) Our azaleas have not yet bloomed. We had a hailstorm yesterday!
6) hmmm
7) I want hostas! Never knew they grew like this.
8) Viera. She's great. I have a crush on Kate Winslet also.
9) Beautiful. Our house so needs painting outside...does not look like this!
10) ?
11) Love ornamental grasses.We have Elijah Blue that I love.
12) Yes, smart guy.
13) Nice. I saw this bumpersticker on a car in my town: Instead of being born again why don't you just grow up?
Finally, here is a link to a post with a video that I think may appeal to you. Maybe not. But maybe. CLICK
What a great post kj!! I'm glad you and jb are on the mend, and hope your full energy returns - now!! I especially love the last line of the quote "... fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything." so very simple, in theory, but necessary to practice and renew daily - at least for me!
ReplyDeleteHappy bitchday is really too funny! Name the date, and I'll be celebrating along with you :)
Our yard is all abloom too. It's so pretty.
My understanding of magnolias is that there are varieties that are large bushes, and trees. I only thought there were trees, but we've been looking into planting one in our back yard, and there are many to choose from.
It's smart to gradually landscape - we did a lot in one fell swoop and things over grew in some areas, under in others. Being able to know what exactly our plants were going to do, how they were going to grow would have been helpful for layering the landscape a whole lot better than we did - and that was with the so called help of a landscape designer!
hmmm, actresses to play me isn't something I've thought about before... I guess Meg Ryan - we are the same age, but she'd need to lose about six inches of height! I love all the actresses suggested for you. A mix of Meryl Streep and Kathy Bates create a great woman - smart, witty, sassy, loving, strong and full of spirit - that's how i see you!!
wishing you a joyful and healthful weekend,
xox K
marie, i am a technological scardy cat. i don't know how i manage to have a blog at all!! xo
ReplyDeletesnow, you direct me to the correct shakespeare play and you help me with my spelling. you are a man of all seasons. thank you ♥ btw, i live in massachusetts, not rhode island. you are thinking of provincetown, which is not providence. but yes, r.i. was hit with very heavy flooding. the weather patterns seems to be crazed. xoxox
lydia, hostas like shade and they are very reliable every year without fuss. i especially love them planted around a tree.
ReplyDeletei LOVE that bumper sticker! how true! i love all your comments. i went to the link, very calming and an interesting blog. ♥
karin, i think mine is a bush. i am planting it against the house in a corner so i hope it is a bush!
i really don't know how to landscape but i love trying. i love the mystery and reliability all wrapped into one. i am glad your 'good' week is coming up. soon your treatment will be over. i am root-toot-tooting for you, karin. i'm glad we've met!!! ♥
I like this list too!!
ReplyDeletehave to think of which actress I would pick, but so far I think no one would be interested to play it nor look at the result......:)
The happy bitchday is a hoot!
The round- about boring....
The bush is lovely you can grow it both as a bush or tree.
I am glad you feel better!