Friday, December 11, 2009


I visited my Mother today as I often do. The head nurse at the rest home where my Mom lives approached me and could barely contain her giggles. She told me the following story:
"We had some high school come today to help the residents with their Christmas cards. After they left your Mother came to the office and was livid. I'd never seen her mad before. She held the cards in her hand and said there was no way she was going to send out cards that said MESSY CHRISTMAS. I told her the card said "Merry Christmas" but she said, no way, it said MESSY CHRISTMAS. We finally took those cards and carefully wrote over the 'merry' until your Mother was satisfied. Hahaha, I've been laughing my head off all day about it."
Some small smidgens of holiday happenings began today at # 9, the place I call home.



There is a long way to go. But I will string the lights on the tree this weekend (and please pray for me that the lights will not blow one or more fuses.) And I've finished and mailed a good amount of cards.
And, sad to say, Milo left today to continue his world wide vacation tour: next stop is Vanessa in Arizona. It's my own fault, but it was not easy for some of us to bid him farewell.



  1. Your house is so clean! Your decorations are beautiful. I am putting mine up tomorrow, cleaning house first! :-). xoxo

  2. P.S. Bye Milo. Safe travels. xoxo

  3. your mom is adorable, messy christmas indeed. that is what i'm having at the moment, she can send that card to me. teehee.

    your living room made me gasp. it's gorgeous, i love the yellow walls and wood floors all those books and the lovely ferns. (they look so happy) your place looks festive and just right even if you don't do anymore.

    I think i saw snow out your kitchen window!!!!!

  4. What a cute story with your mom :) The house looks beautiful! I love the room with the yellow wall...Awesome!
    Hugs and Love to You!

  5. annie, hahaha my house is clean. it must be the camera shot. :) enjoy your decorating. i hope the boys are feeling better?

    lori, that spot on the couch is where i spend half my life! hey, guess what, my day started so very fine this morning! and now i'm off to bed after reading this very fine comment. thank you!

  6. kelly, my partner and i sponged those walls ourselves, planning to paint them terra cotta. but when we put the second coat on, the yellow was so nice we just stopped and liked it just like that! xo

  7. G'bye Milo.
    I love that sunny room, and the decorations in all the rooms. I haven't done anything except help my husband put out minimal lights outside. We are due freezing rain tomorrow, which is when we were going to get our tree --- so, perhaps Sunday. I just can't get into the mood this year and probably will do only a few cards.

    I go by my middle name at my blog. My first name is a three-syllable name beginning with M. When I was a toddler I couldn't say my name and morphed it into Messy. Evidently, when my mother was at the hospital having my baby sister, my grandmother came to stay with me. I began showing her my things, pointing at them and saying: "Messys" - and she responded, "Oh, No, that is not messy, it is clean/tidy/nice/pretty...." And I came unglued. It wasn't until she brought up the subject during a visit to the hospital that my mother roared with laughter and told her what I meant.
    So. I feel like a kindred spirit to your mother!

  8. Well it's messy too, you know. Bah humbug says I!

  9. Not a house, but a home.It looks loved in.

  10. I always like getting a glimpse of #9 ;)

    Soon I'll be there in the flesh.

    bye Milo, you cutest bug you! Roweena is already missing you :(

    I liked seeing my card :)

    Okay, too many smiley faces going on! Time to go Christmas shopping.

    Messy Christmas!

  11. Exactly as Babs said...your home looks loved in! Your home gives off the same energy you do...loving, comfortable and warm!

    I'm really sorry Milo had to leave his love...hope he'll be alright. I guess there will be other loves, after all. How does Emily feel?

    Messy Christmas...I love it! But what I really love is that your mother got so livid about it...there's much life left in your Mom!

  12. Hey, this bit about your mom was not on this post when I wrote my comment :-). Very funny. I love your mom.
    The boys are holding, we just take it day by day, thanks for asking.

  13. Messy Christmas! Bless!

    Haha you're the only person I know who has a Christmas tree in their bathroom! GAH I haven't even written my cards yet. Last year I did and forgot to post them, do you think I can find them this year? We put our lights and tree up last weekend. So schparkly! Bon Voyage Milo . . he looks very comfy in his little box!

  14. I love Rose!! And #9 is home away from home for me. :)

  15. hmm.. i would too if it spells 'Messy Christmas!' Glad someone fixed that!! ;D


  16. lydia, that is the sweetest story. i will remember it and smile. :) i'm doing the holidays my way this year too, keeping stress to a minimum. i did get the tree lights up and on tonight--a major achievement here at # 9

    mr snowbrush, bah humbug all you want. why not?! i hope your post op is going okay. i hope your recovery surprises you for the better. xo

    babs, it's a cozy house. it's small but has ample space. thanks.

    messy christmas to you too, lo. #9 has the red carpet out for your arrival. :)

    marion, thank you very much. i got a kick out of my mother's reaction too. thank god milo is going to a terrific woman, i can tell from her blog.

    annie, yes, i added it after your comment! hugs to the boys... xo

  17. baino, hahaha, it's not a christmas tree! it's just a little sprig. and why not afterall? :)

    sophia, i know sole monkey is own his way. you are going to have a blast with that trip!

    melissa, home away from home: you've got that right!!

    silver, yes, she got it fixed. the nurse said it was indeed 'merry', not 'messy' but my mother wasn't buying it!

  18. Ack. Haven't even gotten to cards yet.

  19. Loved having a walk around your house!! No decorations in mine this year so it's good to see them adorning blogs worldwide! Oh, I'll miss Milo in your home too!

  20. I love your bathroom tree. You may be the only person I know who decorates their bathroom for the holiday :-) Milo looks to be maintaining a brave front, though it is clear his leaving will be difficult for all...
