Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Metaphor of Rootbound

He (she) that lies on the ground cannot fall.
(Yiddish Proverb)

I had to use scissors to free the roots. For too long the plant had been forced to make do in a pot far too small until today, when finally it was given the means and the dignity to grow and expand again.
It was about time. The plant entered my house auspiciously several years ago and for some time it flowered and prospered. But as time passed and sunlight dimmed, I forced it to be its former self even when I knew it needed a new space and a new life.
Every living thing needs roots: they ground us, hold us firm in high winds, mark where we belong.
But sometimes through choice or fate they become so tight and tangled that it is no longer healthy to stay planted.
Sometimes they need a wider space, and sometimes they need wings.
It's not easy to pick up the scissors and snip away. It's not easy to trust that untested wings will fly.
Staying potbound can be fatal if you wait too long.
Today I snipped some roots that were long overdue.
I added new soil and more room.
It's almost spring time here.
Time for new growth.
Time for replanting and replenishing.
Time for more sunlight.
Time a healthy boost of fertilizer.
Untangling roots can be messy, that's for sure, but I'm here to say it's worth the effort.
In fact, the plant has been whispering thank you all day.


  1. Yes, time for these things for sure. Whether I'm able, time will tell.

    Would've liked to have seen the plant in its new pot. :)

  2. Did you use the clippings to make "root" beer?

    personally if I could figure a way I would cut all my roots and just go free range dropping seed all the hell over the place. The view gets boring to me more than the pot.

  3. Springtime does funny things to Us....and the plants love the attention....
    Take care,Mar&Mr.B

  4. Oh the metaphors! Did you really cut the "actual" roots or isnthis all a metaphor for life and spring and setting ourselves free? Or perhaps you simply were a gardener for a day.
    You crack me up - I love this post and I will think of it all day. As I go about the mundane tasks of the weekend I will wonder if I should really be doing something different or in a different way. You inspire me ms KJ.
    Have a lovely Sunday ok?

  5. Yes, along w/Mim I think you are speaking of more than your plant here. Spring, what a wonderful renewing time of year. I look forward to seeing how you and your plant flower with roots clipped, fresh soil and fertilizer.

  6. Untangling anything is usually a messy old business, but as you say ... so worth it. Spring is so lovely isn't it? A time of renewal. It's everywhere I look. Even here!
    Warmest hugs from here. xx Jos

  7. hey, I just did the same thing with my kitchen plant.
    But I love the metaphors flying around here. And you know "Rootbound" is the name of my painting that I just finished.

    Excellent post!


  8. These are wise words - be they figurative or metaphorical! And I agree wholeheartedly!

    As for Mother Nature - well, we have seen her at her angriest these past few years.....still, she brings gentle reminders that buds will still bloom, blossoms will flourish...and she still bestows love upon our little blue planet.

    Oh "Walking Man's" comment just cracked me up - yet again!

    Happy Sunday - dearest KJB!
    Kiss Stella and your Mum for me!



    ♥ Robin ♥

  9. barbara, okay, i will try to add a photo of the plant repotted :)

    mark, no i made root squared (hahaha, as if i even remember what that means!). and fyi, i don't see you cutting certain roots away period :) pss you could try moving the pot to another window :)

    mar and mr.b, it's true: i think we bloom differently in spring

    mim, yes i cut the roots! jb and i repotted five plants in all, and none too soon. i inspire you? hahaha! YOU inspire me!

    suki, i look for metaphors even under rugs ! i'll bet you do too!

    jos, this was a plant that had warm meaning but no more. the symbolism of cutting it loose and giving it a new vessel was not lost on me. i'm looking at it just now and i can see that it agrees. honestly.... ♥

    lo, oh your rootbound painting! jb and i will be at your gallery opening when that series premieres. i will walk around telling people you are one of my best friends...

    robin, yes, there is much to be learned from the earth's patterns. we are all one. sounds hokey of course but every tree i pass these days reminds me that is true. xo

  10. kj, so funny! i did the same thing today, and felt horrible when i saw the strangling roots. and like you i think i saw my plant breathe better and sigh with relief. but i did not think of such a wise metaphor.

    is there still snow on the ground there?

  11. thank you, sidney. i just caught up on your blog tonight. you are a saint. i will do what i can to help. xo

    lori, it's kind of unbelievable how the plants actually look happier once they're repotted. so funny that you did that too this weekend. yes, there is still snow but every minute there is less. i can see my yard again. and today i saw my first spring flower--a white snowdrop. i am so psyched!!

  12. Beautiful metaphor to illustrate how we too can become rootbound if we don't care for ourselves. Thank you for the good thoughts, kj.

  13. Yeh feeling a little pot bound myself but when someone finally trims my roots, I'm off! Nice analogy and I'm sure your plant thanks you from it's bottom.

  14. I love this text KJ!
    This is not just for plants............

    Love from Mexico I finally showed Frida her homeland.
    I can't upload things here and I haven't been on the internet much but I will show you once I am home.
    I fly tonight.


  15. Okay, KJ, get out of my head! I swear you are channeling my thoughts.

  16. annie, yup & thank you :)

    hells, trim thyself, oh, wise woman!

    marianne, it makes me laugh outloud to know frida is traveling with you. and to mexico! i can't wait to see. fly safely dear friend. ♥

    cs, hahahaha! great minds...... :)

  17. It looked quite artistic didn't it...great pic...hope it blossoms...

  18. Kj, this is beautiful and true. xoxo

  19. Beautiful post!
    I just clipped some of my Grandma's moss and gave it to a friend.It is some of the originl plant from an old metal dishpan in her backyard when I was a kid.
    Rootbound no more.

    I'm feeling a little rootless right now, but it's not a bad thing,,,,

  20. that foto of those roots, albeit all tangled together, is beautiful.

    but i bet they felt much better once they were freed!

    yes. love the metaphor. i've been doing some rooting out of my own, in preparation for - dare i say the word - spring - cleaning? (which i wonder will ever arrive, since it snowed once again only yesterday.....)

  21. Wow, kj, you didn't have to tell me that was a metaphor! That was truly an inspirational message, all the better coming from life, a root-bound plant being given some space. It reminds me of the foot-bound Chinese girl-child... Love

  22. Funny how an everyday moment,if we have the open mind to see them, can teach us to live live are my potted plant are my reminder.I can already feel the warmth of the sun.Blessings,Cat

  23. chrisy, yes, it looked pretty spiffy, even all tangle up. it wanted to LIVE and THRIVE!

    thank you annie ♥

    babs! hello! i would like to see your grandma's metal dishpan. i'll bet it is still beautiful. feeling rootless? look around babs. your friends are spreading out with you. :) xoxo

    amanda, spring will find us! i saw a snow flower bulb open two days ago. that has got to be an earnest sign!

    thank you margaret. ah your reference: snowflower and the secret fan. from my own experience during the time i read it, i have such mixed feelings about 'sames' and loyalty and betrayal. i imagine you understand that.... xoxo

    kristin, thank you ♥

    cat, ah hahahaha! i will happily be your potted plant any day! :^)

  24. Hi my dear friend how are you? it looks that pretty good, very nice post, it is an interesting subject the one about the roots. Let me tell you something crazy, it reminded me of a Spanish movie where humans grew like tree and had roots till they got independent of the earth.

  25. Yes, seems like my basement was what was keeping me rootbound, now that is is almost habitable again, we'll see is that was the real obstacle to growth or not...

  26. Just stopping by to say "XOXOX"!!!

  27. mariana!!!!!! hello back dear friend!!! how are you? i know that movie: hahahhaa! xoxo

    teri, another version of 'keep it simple'. good luck. :^)

