Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Weathered Look of Whethered Weather

What should I write
on this quiet night?
I ask my friend
to help me fend.
Weather, she said.
Weather instead.
Weather and Whether
straight from your head.
Okay, okay

it's weather today.
Ode to Weather
Am I insane
to love the rain?
To let my feet
Get soaked complete?
Keeping dry?
I don't even try.
Do I get toasted
When I get roasted?
I let sunlight through
And when I do
I'm cozywarm
in a sun filled storm.
I love to see a saucer moon
Just above a sandy dune
I like the glow
It helps me know.
Hello Moon, here's the deal:
I love those beams that aren't quite real.
And when the wind whistles
I feel grand tickles
Even if I blow away
I'm confident I stay
Planked to ground
Lost but here--found!
Whether weather
is a feather,
a piece of leather,
a trendy setter.
I love it all
spring or fall
snow or sleet
Whether complete.
So my friend
I'm at the end.
Weather I tried
I hope I complied.


  1. I love your weather & whether

    I love the wind

    x robyn

  2. That is one heck of a nice poem. Love it

  3. Me thinks you should ask the weather whether or not you are a masochist? you like snow & rain? You are insane.

  4. There are days when I love to see the rain or snow, especially when I'm home. There is something amazingly cozy about it, and I love that my plants are being watered for me.

  5. clap clap clap bravo!

    how CLEVER.
    i LOVE the weather


    but my dear
    what's the deal?
    moon beams
    aren't real?

    and i too love the rain
    it's the snow
    i don't know.


    p.s. when i rhyme
    like a silly goose
    it kinda reminds me
    of dr.seuss.

  6. I'm not feeling clever enough to rhyme back to you today :(

    I did enjoy yours though! And Lori's and Walking Man's.


    Dare I be so bold
    to say I HATE the cold?
    But I love the snow
    and the quiet glow
    of embers burning in the fire.

    Summers heat makes me feel beat,
    humidity knocks me off my feet.
    Trouble breathing, tempers seething,
    a nice chilled wine, somewhat appeasing;)

    It's Fall that I like best of all,
    crispy breezes, confetti falls
    around my feet and fills the streets~
    Yes, this season is hard to beat.


  7. Written by Emily???

    The verse gives a fresh feeling. Sort of Lewis Carroll effect.

    While reading I recalled age old famous Bengali (India) poetry.

    I remember once I tried to write a 'nonsense verse' but couldn't weave sense in nonsense so I stopped there. :-D

  8. You sure complied in my book! Yes, all sorts of weather are exciting and the best reminders that we are alive.

  9. robyn, i love the wind too but even more i love the sun and the moon :)

    why thank you ms. mim

    mark, definitely insane, i don't even complain

    cs, yes, i too love the cozy part of it all. this time of year i can burn wood in my fireplace and that scent and sound alone is instant cozy for me.

    lori, what was i thinking
    i must have been drinking
    of course moon beams are true
    and good friendship too

    lo, no poem you can write
    when not not feeling right?
    you rhyme like your art
    i love every part!

    shubhajit, i was just thinking about 'the cat in the hat' and wishing wishing i could rhyme like that. it's not to be because i'm not dr. suess but me. still i love to try and love when you stop by. ♥

    lydia, sometimes i have TOO MANY reminders that i'm alive!!!! but i know what you mean. the world's quite a scene.

    and part of the deal

  10. Must be wet where you are. Fun poem. Pretty hydragena too. Mine all all gone.
