It was amazing to see how happy and grateful she and her family was but it was even more amazing to see how happy and grateful WE were to have the opportunity to be generous, to give, to make a difference.
It was amazing to see how happy and grateful she and her family was but it was even more amazing to see how happy and grateful WE were to have the opportunity to be generous, to give, to make a difference.
I am creating The Wishes & Dreams Foundation as a non-profit organization, opening just now on Blogland Lane. It is my hope and intention that this Foundation will provide the means and magic for many of us to support a variety of good causes
Just because the address is Blogland Lane, that does not mean that support is limited to the neighbors who live there. Anyone can help. Please take a moment and see if this is something you perhaps want to and can be part of.
I have three suggestions for the first worthy recipients of the Wishes and Dreams Foundation. You could pick one or all three-that's up to you.
1.She is a 13 year girl named Shane. She is extraordinary. She has been in a restrictive foster care home for almost a year, after being removed from her mother after she and her sister became homeless, after watching her mom beaten up, after needing to be far too grown up for her age. Shane goes to a poor school with few opportunities, yet she manages to get very good grades. Last summer on her own she wiggled her way into a four week acting program (Shakespeare!) and she loved it. She found herself among high achiever peers and it did her a world of good. Recently her assistant principal donated equipment to her so she play soccer.
I would like to raise enough money so Shane can enroll in another acting program, perhaps even an overnight camp next summer.
2. Many of you already know of the work of Dr. Maithri Goonetilleke in helping the orphan children of Swaziland. Swaziland has the highest incidence of AIDS in the world: a whole generation has been infected, often leaving eight year old children to take care of their younger brothers and sisters. Maithri has started his own Foundation to help the work he does there. Any money raised goes directly to families in need, for clean water, for food, for medicine.
3. The last option does not necessarily involve money. This choice requires that you become some one's secret angel, that you do a kind and helpful act for someone, somehow, and not get caught doing it. BUT you have to tell us. You have to share the details so we can enjoy and rejoice with you about your act of kindness.
I am writing this at the end of September. I will post this announcement again sometime in November, just as the holidays begin to gear up. But starting now, if you are able to participate now or later, let me know any time which of these three options you would like to be part of. You can contribute any amount of money you would like, by check or through my Paypal account. You can email me and I'll send you my mailing address.
And please, let me know and let us all know. Kind acts inspire more kind acts. Our blogging community is world wide. I would like to see the Blogland Lane Wishes and Dreams Foundation be world wide also. I can just about guarantee you will get more than you give.
Thank you.
kj, I know your email is here somewhere,,,I've had it before and cannot now find it. Is it right here on your blog somwhere and I'm just not seeing it?
babs, oh what the heck:
you know i will love to hear from you... :)
Ha, I thought that's what you wanted us to do to contribute.
These are all worthy and wonderful! Let me think about which one I will choose. In the meantime I am excited you would like to win these free cards, There is no catch it is 100% free and they will give a oupon code to however I choose as the winner. You can leave a comment to me on the actual post about what you would like to do with these cards, you may also make a post about what you will do with these free cards and link back to my giveaway post and then you are entered twice! I hope you win and tell all your friends as it is fun :) I did this painting in August and it was a blast :) I need to join Blogland,,, :P
ReplyDeletebabs, i make such a big deal of privacy and then i have my name on my book and my email is obvious. so here i am!
ReplyDeleteval, of course i will leave a comment. if i win i will send out cards like crazy! i'm looking for you on blogland lane. i'm looking, and will i be EXCITED when i spot your beautiful face!!
although i am not actually 'present' on blogland lane these days, it is my 'second home' and will always be close to my heart. my act of kindness is that i am educating a little girl in south africa. yonella is now 8 years old and her mother was gang raped at 13 and she was conceived. her granny brings her up, and has to get up at 4 am to go to work and drop yonella at schoolby 8am. she is doing well, and we have been sponsoring her since she was 3 years old. i want no accolades for this, i am just telling you.
ReplyDeletebtw i love your header, and that photo of mr ryan is the best, i do solove little boys, they look mischievious without even trying to. xx
ReplyDeleteI need to do more.
ReplyDeletegood for you, soulbrush. thank you so much for sharing. what one person does can inspire another. do you think you will ever meet her?
ReplyDeletemim, me too. finally i'm doing more, but it took me a long time to figure out what, why and how.
What a fantastic idea kj.
ReplyDeleteI love the new banner.
Fantastic idea. I hope it really takes off because it could do a lot of good.
ReplyDeleteThanks for playing 6WS!
I just finished an act of kindness, I don't want to talk about it, but I will find another, and another :-). Most acts of kindness does not require any money :-).
ReplyDeleteDear kj,
ReplyDeleteI just want to hug you right now.
p.s. Great Photo up top!
What a fantastic initiative!
ReplyDeleteI will think of a way to help!