Monday, June 17, 2013

This and That and This and That

What a week. I am in the twilight zone, really. I spent five hours at New England Deaconess Hospital last Friday for a pre-operation run through and I left both very relieved and a little concerned. The relief is that I am going to have about three or four weeks of a no-fun post surgical rehab but if I push myself I will be on the other side hopefully by mid August. The concern is that it turns out there is a history of blood clots in my family and knee replacements don't like blood clots one bit. So I need a hematology evaluation and just-in-case plan--back to Boston again. And then, July 9th, I calm my nerves and rev up my faith.

So much is happening. My daughter's baby is due any day now. We pray only for a healthy baby but with three boys already, a little girl would be pretty surprisingly awesome. My Mother is actually doing well in the new nursing home (so thankful). And my knee does not allow me normal motion and sometimes I am in pain. 

And too...JB and I just spent four days in Provincetown starting to put our own 'mark' on this little house we now own. We will rent it out this summer for a few weeks ( have to---$) so the readiness has to be now. We went shopping, looking for discounts and bargains. We bought bathroom cabinets, couch pillows, chair covers, silverware (set of 8 for $ 15 at an antique store). We hung pictures. We decorated.

It's not done but the space is feeling more familiar now, more like it's ours.

More to do, too much to do. But I do know whining is not going to help me. In fact, I have to decide to be brave. I have to push myself. This is what I plan to do.

Thank you for visiting and indulging me.



  1. Wow that place has fabulous floors! Im glad your Mom is doing better than you expected. All that pre-op stuff is pretty nerve-wracking I'm sure. Im glad you seem to be fairing as well as you can with all the pending things going on. Cant wait to hear about the baby I bet!

    1. Hi Zoe, you are so right about the floors! They are 100 years old and still fabulous. I keep thinking the baby will be a boy and I think we will all be shocked if she's a girl!


  2. Knees are the most commonly replaced joints, most people seem happy with their new ones, and if the doc didn't think they could control the clotting problem, they wouldn't operate. My only suggestion is that you get an acetaminophen free narcotic. That's what the pharmacists and even the AMA recommend, yet doctors keep on writing script for Percocet and Vicodin.

    I hadn't seen the inside of your new house. Am I right in thinking that it's cozier than your old one?

    1. Snow, you've surprised me.what narcotic do you recommend, because everyone is telling me to take the pain meds, period? My preference is to be comfortably knocked out that first week when the pain is strong :-)

      This place is no cozier than the condo it is replacing. But it is a single family house without pissy neighbors, one in particular. That is worth gold. And it is a little larger so my daughter and her tribe can come visit more comfortably


    2. Oxyycodone would be a good choice. The other most likely option is hydrocodone, but it''s weaker and I've never seen it without acetaminophen. I was wrong about the AMA. Maybe I confused it with the pharmacists' association.

    3. Snow , isn't hydrocodone Vicodin? That's what I've been prescribed and man has it helped: takes away the pain and nicely knocks me out. But now I'm okay with Advil a few times a day. After the surgery, I' prepared to take whatever I need!


    4. "isn't hydrocodone Vicodin?"

      Vicodin is hydrocodone plus acetaminophen. A major problem with such things is that you build up a tolerance to the narcotic, so, if you're on painkillers for a long time, you might easily end up taking ten times your starting dose, so the acetaminophen quickly reaches a toxic level. Aside from that, why put a weak (and dangerous) painkiller in with a strong (and less toxic) narcotic? I've asked pharmacists, and they didn't know. It's worse than pointless. Of course, if you're just talking low doses for a few days, it's probably not that big a deal, but if you're talking weeks, it's quite another, especially if you're taking other drugs that stress your liver, something I've done for years now.

  3. I love your new place!
    My... you are going through a lot! :(
    But I hope the tests turn out fine and by the time it is August you are running around with a baby girl in your arms in your new home in P town.
    Have been busy walking but had to give up because of my knees.
    Busy times are waiting for me.
    Today I must paint .
    The weather is gorgeous here but warm to be outside.
    Take care dear!

    1. Hello my friend, oh yes to a baby girl and oh yes to the new place in ptown but I can't oh yes to running around :-) I think I will thumping through physical therapy

      I say the times are too busy. I just realized I am currently managing five houses! I want time with my microns, colored pencils and a finished novel!

      Love love

    2. It will all happen....... ;)

  4. It looks good!,,, I like the special touches you're adding. Decorating is so fun and the best part of moving. I'm sorry about the knee. Getting old is not for sissies! I feel closer to you this week. We're in the same time zone, lol!

    1. I' m waving at you, Annie xo!

      You'll get your varied weathet, I think. Have yourself some fun. Who are you visiting? (Inquiring minds...)


  5. What a lovely little home. So cozy! And my sister has had two knee replacements and I have watched her go from being almost homebound to a world traveler, so great good luck to you!

    1. Thank you Maria. That is very encouraging . Heck, if this one works I'll look to the other knee! I wish to be a world traveler too :-)

      Thank you for visiting. Please come again


  6. Pins and needles waiting for the baby!!! So glad to hear that your Mom is adjusting to her new home. You know how relieved I am now with my Dad finally turning the corner. The new place is looking lovely, and definitely welcoming. So New England! Lots of good, natural lighting. Love your patio area. I have a little umbrella and pot addiction, so I would have that area gaudie-up! Pot, as in planting pots. Did not sound right at all. But then maybe that could help with your pain control, or so I have heard. Just digging myself in deeper here. It will be good to be on the other side of this upcoming surgery; for me, anticipation (or dread) beforehand would be the worst part. So let us join in Maria's comment above, and think - Oh the places you'll go!!!


    1. Deb, I live patios too--the perfect place to create cozy funky spaces.

      Hahahahaha pot addiction!!! I know about that :-) just legalized in my state for medical use :-)
      Hmmmmm. Thank you doctor Deborah

      You are do right about anticipation being the worse part. I passed one hurdle today (blood pressure) and have a hematology consult on Friday (what??) then it 's the surgery, the hospital , the pain control and the rehab. Yep. I'm getting ready :-)


  7. Lovely spaces. Glad you'll feel new & improved soon.

    Aloha :-)

    1. New and improved I quite hope, cloudia :-)


  8. See I thought you might post that wonderful pout picture here as well as FB. Whining and pouting must be called for in these circumstances ... I'm sure Emily would advise much more drastic measures wouldn't she?

    In all seriousness though. Yes ops and clotting problems do present challenges but these are well understood. Easy for me to say eh? Just as you are revving up your faith so am I. The 9th is circled in my calender and I am practising sending healing thoughts ... what possible harm can it do I ask myself.

    I like the look of your second home. It is taking shape. Hope all goes well with Jess, and of course your Mom. Big hug xx Jos

  9. Thank you jos. You mean alot to me and your words are special. I will probably be blabbing plenty before July 9th. I love that you will remember xoxo

    We're holding our hands together and swinging them wide . Don't forget


  10. kj,
    Thanks so much for visiting me, I haven't been doing as much blogging as I usually enjoy to do. So, I have spent some time scrolling through your recent posts.
    Wow, alot is happening right now for you.
    Good luck with your knee replacement surgery, I hope all goes smoothly, kj.
    How wonderful to have a new grandchild on his/her way.
    You and jb, have done such a nice job of decorating your new small place, the people who rent it, will love living there.
    Thanks for providing the update on Chase, it's positive.
    You are such a kind, and good person, and I am so glad to know you through blogging!
    Here's a big hug, and wishing you a speedy recovery after the surgery,

    1. Thank you for such a sweet comment, Brenda; I am glad to know you too :-)


  11. The house is looking absolutely delightful. High rent property in Provincetown? Well, maybe. Looks like it deserves a pretty penny.

    Hope the surgery goes well, thought I expect you'll have a painful couple of weeks (both before and after).

    Thanks for the notes at Blogland Lane. I'm trying to encourage some activity!

    And I am SO glad for the news about Chase. He might make a real pet dog one of these days! I hope so. You've been working very hard with him.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry).

    1. Hi bear, high rents in Provincetown? Well yes! That is why JB and I are so shocked we found a house we could afford that actually works for us

      We are not there with chase . Sometimes we're all doing well and other times (like now) it's tough: currently he is howling at night and we are awakened several times :-( we are all trying

      I see some activity at blogland lane--good for you!


  12. I'm thankful your mom is doing well. The surgery will go well. It's a lot to handle all at once, even a lot of good things all at once is difficult to deal with. Sending hugs.

    1. Thanks deb. you are SO right!


  13. Looks great so far!

    Wishing the new baby a healthy arrival!

  14. Kj, Your house is coming along beautifully, Good luck with your knee, so glad mom is doing well and wishing great health to daughter and baby.
    I left a message for you in my comments. Yes and Yes! xoxo

  15. Nice house. Just remember to get GOOD pain killers to go with the blood thinners and anti clot stockings. Personally I prefer Norco with a side of Valium for pain but aways found the stockings to be a pain the...err legs.

  16. There's always so much to do... the never ending to do list, I say.
    Sometimes I feel we become unwell or injured to encourage us to smell the roses.. anchor ourselves and let time float like clouds.
    I have faith you will be back on track before too long.. especially because you have so much to enjoy in your life.

    Love the new home... I could see myself living very well there.. Good luck with it all.

    best wishes always x x Robyn

  17. Thanks for becoming a 'follower'.

    I hope the Mum and baby-to-be are doing well and that all goes swimmingly. Best of luck for the op. and instead of 'no-fun posdt-op rehab' try making it a time to enjoy some relaxation and chill out as much as possible. (ha, ha, I hear you laughing) Still, no point in pushing yourself too hard if it incurrs long-term problems.

  18. You make me feel proud to be your friend KJ. You are very brave- always- and you inspire others to be the same. I know your knee op will go smoothly and well, because of your mental attitude, and because of having your wonderful mom as such an example. And here's hoping it is a little girlie! Lotsa hugs always. Mwah.
