Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Year Later

All mankind is of one author,
and is one volume;
when one man dies,
one chapter is not torn out of the book,
but translated into a better language;
and every chapter must be so translated...
As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon,
calls not upon the preacher only,
but upon the congregation to come:
so this bell calls us all:
but how much more me,
who am brought so near the door by this sickness....
No man is an island,
entire of itself...
any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind;
and therefore never send to know
for whom the bell tolls;
it tolls for thee."
John Donne

What a year it's been. I:
left my consulting practice,
began a new career as a writer,
witnessed the birth of an incredible baby boy named Ryan,
found myself a true-blue best friend,
designed and landscaped my yard,
installed a hottub under the stars,
finished the interior of our cozy little house,
adopted a shelter dog who deserves only good things,
attended the unveiling of my friend Willa's unexpected death,
made some life long friends who drop by for coffee and meet me at the summer pool,
traveled to the Amalfi Coast of Italy,
got my finances in order,
discovered the surprising joy of blogging,
decided to be myself,
once and for all.

This has been a year of fluctuating emotions, tender hearts, and vulnerable sensitivity. I am not at all sure about tomorrow or next month or next year, but I know I can trust myself and the the people I love. I know I will make the best choices I can, based on information that is often available to me only at the very moment my decisions are made. I know I am a good person without harmful intent. I know I cannot know the future, but I can let faith guide me to where I should be. I know I will hope for the best and move on from the worse.
This is my birth-day and I wish I could give presents to all the people who make my life rich and meaningful. "No man is an island". HA! John Donne got that right.
Happy Birthday kj, from the woman you are, the woman you will be, and, afterall, the woman you've been all along. Get it right, kj--you deserve nothing less.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KJ under the right post this time :)

  2. Happy Birthday, KJ!
    Enjoy it the best you can.

  3. Happy birthday kj!

    It's been a full year for you especially with the addition of Mr. Ryan.

    Wishing you a peaceful yet fun day today. I will be saying a small prayer for you tonight. :D

  4. Happiest Birthday KJ! And best wishes for a wonderful year to come!

  5. Oh I wish I can say it better but really there's only one way - Happy Birthday KJ!!!

  6. Happy birthday, KJ!

    Very many happy returns.

    Deciding to be yourself is very important. I decided that some years ago. It feels good being myself.

    Hope your week ends better that it started! Still thinking of you.

  7. Happy Birthday! Have some baby carrots and romaine lettuce today.

  8. Hey! Happy Birthday to ya sweetheart. Have have chewing tobacco!

  9. Whow, what a year it was, KJ. Do you know for sure that it was just ONE year? Well, let all visitors of this blog join me when I start singing: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthdaaaaaay, dear KJ, happy... birthday to youuuuuu!! *Applause* And now you may blow out the candles and do a wish :-)))


    - RYAN

  11. Oh that Mr. Ryan is such a talented and cute baby. He can type! Very cool baby!

  12. Happy Birthday!!!! :))) Lots and lots of more awards!!! :))))

  13. A Hippy Birthday! Meooooowwww meoow meooow meooow mmeeeew moooo!

  14. Hoppy Birthday! Allez! Un Joyeux Anniversaire! Mwha!

  15. I join Wieneke with the birthday song and wish you a most wonderful birthday and a magical new year in your life !

  16. Happy Birthday, dear kj! What a beautiful journey you're on... hugs to you:>

  17. why do i feel i have genuine friends wishing me well on my birthday?

    is it because it's true?

    thank you each for your good wishes. i feel them settling in my heart.


  18. "decided to be myself,
    once and for all."

    That alone is an accomlishment.


  19. Isn't it great to be yourself!
    What an interesting year it has been for you. I hope that the momentum never stops.
