Friday, February 02, 2024


 I've breezed through summer, and fall, and Christmas, punctuated by the challenging homecare and sad death of my 106 year old Godmother Marie, and a new knee operation that's had too many complications. I haven't written a new word until this week, and hopefully, finally, I'm back!  

I have a novel to edit and query, a poetry book to promote, a revised version of The Light Stays On to land somewhere, and all kinds of new ideas to ponder and write about. That's one important thing about writing: there's no need for boredom. I can always write. 

This year, probably because I've been on the couch and in physical therapy rehabilitating my knee, I've also started drawing and painting. I have this book called Draw & Create 365 that instructs me to create something every day in 2024, and I'm having a grand time doing that so far.

I chose this image today because the USA and the world is such a mess.  It's a challenge to be optimistic in this time, but it's important to hope for and work for kindness, hope, community. Almost every single person I know is a good human being: that has to count,.

I yet again apologize for being absent on my blog for so long. I'm still determined to do better!

With love, kj



  1. So happy to see you back!
    Sorry to read about your Godmother.
    Happy to hear you are writing and creating again!
    Sorry to read about your knee complications.

    The ups and downs of life, I suppose. Still, I'm so looking forward to hearing more from you.

  2. Hello, 8. I’m so glad to hear from you too๐Ÿ’œ

  3. I am sorry for your loss. Your choice of image for today was excellent. Thanks for sharing

    1. Hello and welcome, Laura. We were able to keep my Godmother out of the nursing home and in her own house, for a happy year before she died.

  4. I remember your godmother from your stories. What a remarkable life she had. I am glad to hear you are doing well.

  5. Hi anonymous, since you know about Marie, I want to know who you are!
    Thank you for your kind words
    love kj
