Friday, June 13, 2014

Wait to Worry

This is almost three year old Logan looking at the world through the New England Aquarium.  You can see the wonder. It's right there. 

This is a good way to see the world. 

I"ve been looking back at my blog, 2007, 2008, when I wrote a lot more poetry than I do now. This one, I must have had a certain way of letting life happen--just going with it. That was a good time even though I suffered from it later. Still, I read this poem tonight and I like what it tells me. 

Relax. In Due Time. Let It Be. Keep It Simple.

I heard this phrase "wait to worry" this month for the first time. It's a good idea. If I wait, it may turn out there is no need for worry. 

So even though this poem is a little gooey, I offer it up as a message to take care of the chores but don't get in the habit of not having fun. 



The toilet’s fixed
The grasses cut back
The appointment’s made
The snacks are packed.

The taxes aren’t done—
You can’t have it all—
But the trip’s been booked
& the garbage hauled.

The work’s wrapped up
The car’s been serviced
The stoops are painted
& no one’s nervous.

The time got spent
Finally put up the sign
Put the car in reverse
Put aside the divine.

The garden’s weeded
New bulbs on their way
& detoured hearts
Have had their say.

The weight’s been moved
To a straighter line
I might even be
okay to fine.

Still, I’m dealing with less
It’s a good mile wide
I’m trying my best
To put it aside.

I’m familiar with hope
I wear it quite well
But after the finish?
Only time will quite tell


  1. "OPTIONS for a Better World" has been included in our Sites To See #378. Be assured that we hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  2. I love "wait to worry", that a a great concept. And of course, your poem and message. Kisses

  3. I need to learn how "wait to worry".

    1. It has a ring to it, deb. That should help :-)


  4. I just got back from our lake house where we had to install a new toilet (under emergency circumstances) so I laughed when I read the first line of your poem.

    I love the thought of "wait to worry". I am constantly practicing turning the negative aspects of worry into positive affirmations. It's tough pill for me though since I am a professional worryer. If I don't succeed at sending only positive intentions into the universe, I will at least try to wait before I worry.

    1. I worry too, 8, but less. Mostly I try to stay where my feet are


  5. Kind of like worrying in its time....I always rethink before its time to worry....

    Was at that aquarium this past Tuesday! Zoe

    1. Hi Zoe! Worrying in its time is better than worrying all the time


    2. Hey Kj ... just stoppin back in to say "hi!"

  6. poems to me seem to be messages directly from the heart, and this most certainly feels like it comes directly from yours. i was struck by "put aside the divine" (and would really love to know what you mean by that) and "detoured hearts have had their say"

    1. Amanda , the reference to detoured hearts was the horrible crumbling of a relationship I valued-- it was a cruel ending that pierced my heart

      Putting aside the Devine is my sometimes impatience with new age guru-types and sometimes my own beliefs that don't factor in the nitty gritty of daily life

      I love that you've asked about this, thank you so much


  7. LOVE YOU!

    I smiled and heard your voice.

    Wait to worry!


  8. Wait to worry reminds me of the tactic of setting aside time to worry briefly and then letting it go until the next appointed time.

    1. Yeah, but this way you might just keep waiting :-)

      Glad to see you back, cs


  9. glad you are posting poems again. i always enjoy reading them.

  10. I just worry that if I wait to worry, something like death or coma might come along and make it impossible for me to worry later, and I would feel irresponsible if I were to die or go into a vegetative state without getting in my monthly allotment of 124.5 hours of worry. Do you have any advice for those of us who are conscientious worriers?

  11. Snow, I have better than advice: I absolve you fri worrying until June of 2016. I have the authority.


  12. Kj, I like it :-). I so no reason to worry now or later, it is a total waste of time as worry NEVER helps any situation. Prayer, gratitude helps, but never worry. I feel guilty when I worry as it squanders the now. Just my 2 cents. xoxo

  13. /Thank you for sharing dearest. Children are so good for us aren't they; make us remember to just be in the moment. I worry much less than I used to but when big things happen, well, we're not robots are we, sometimes we get knocked for a six and it takes awhile to settle. Love to you darling across the miles.
