Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Another Chapter

I want you to know that here on my blog I will be editing and modifying some of the new book I am writing. And you should also know that while I call this a memoir of sorts, it is actually a novel. It is narrated by a character named Casey, not kj. And it is 100% Casey's story and Casey's perspective. Reality has a way of being seen differently, depending on where you stand.
The chapters I post will not be in any logical order, (I am also not writing them in any logical order!) and I am going to try to mostly post short chapters, not long ones. Still, I hope the flavor of this story of love and bonds comes through. I thought the name of the book would be "Mutiny On The Open Heart", and I'm still considering that. But I recently discovered (uncovered) that this will be a book most of all about BONDS. So perhaps there will be other titles that make more sense.
Anyway, here is a second chapter. No obligation to read it of course, but you should also know I orgasmically love the feedback. :)

Just about three years ago, I fell in love. At first sight, which was quite a feat since sight wasn’t involved until six months later. At first, I was intoxicated by elegant words that wrapped around my curious mind, vocabulary like petrichor and phrases that bounced from the traditional to the reckless. Then I was intoxicated by voice: an Americanized foreign accent that was at once soft and gentle and wild and harsh. This was not the kind of falling in love I had ever experienced before . For one thing, I am 22 years committed to a woman I adore and admire. Until one August in Blogland, when I received an innocuous email that would change everything, I was comfortable and content and unaware that my heart had reserved a good sized space for a new passion to creep in and settle into.
This was a different kind of falling in love. It was to be a three year journey that would open me wide and wound me wild. But it was also a journey even now I can’t imagine not taking. I fell into it from the first moment, and despite too many reasons to regret the whole damn thing, regret is probably the tiniest emotion clanging around in this whole damn mess.


  1. well of course, I am totally hooked. what topic is more engrossing than LOVE. I want to know it all, I want to read on. You are such a good writer.

  2. Ditto what Suki said.

    I know I'll get to hear more when we're huddled around the fire with DK and hopefully Mim and Suki and missing Soulbrush and Marianne.

    And do you know what I realized today? I think we've 'known' one another for a year now. Wow!
    What a way to celebrate, going to Ptown, your stomping grounds and meeting blog buddies.
    Does it get any better? I mean besides winning the lottery ;)


    P.S. The writing is fantastic. You do have a way with words my friend. (And a heart as big as the world.)

  3. *Squeals* of excitement! X:-)

  4. This is the kind of writing I adore! Looking back at life and love from where the character is today.

    What's more, there is that hint of loss, that tease of desire and the knowledge that all was not lost.

    Looking forward to listening to you read this KJ Babes!


    I'M COMING TO AMERICA! *scream*

    PS Hope they let me back in ... after last time ...


  5. suki, thanks a million. i love the thought of you following this story along. xo

    lo, i am so hooked into writing these days. what a great feeling. we are about to have a magical weekend plus. but i don't think it's been a year, lo. i think we first met in december?

    nolly, xoxo





    it's just incredible that you will be sitting near or next to me in three short months, that we will have breakfast together, that we will read our stories aloud to one another, that you and melissa and i will expand all the love and laughter we share in the blogs and hold hands and grin ear to ear. oh, did you say something about this post? oh yes. thank you for your insightful wonderful commment.
    tsup! tsup!

  6. excellent, excellent...feels like a beginning but i won't say another word...

    much love

  7. P.S....forgot to say LOVE THAT PICTURE!

  8. Excellent.

    Love Renee xoxo

  9. stacey, thanks. i'll be interested to hear what you think along the way. xoxo

    renee, my, my, the briefest comment ever. here's my reply:
    fine!! xoxo

  10. How wonderful you are writing your second book!
    I am always in awe when people can paint with words.......

    PS, I have been missing my best friend lately!
    Can you tell her I dropped by to sent her love and virtual jellybeans and please say HAW to her

  11. Aaah, butterflies,,
    but do you get them in your tummy when you post your writing?
    Just wondering,,,,
    Sure, I'm hooked too,,and will enjoy each word.
    For real, this story isn't at all about kj?

  12. Kj here in the land of oz we have a huge company called Bonds who offer lots of support for bottoms and breasts ... they sell underwear thats probably waiting to be discovered or uncovered by others ;)

  13. petrichor

    the writing is tight but I suggest you don't use words that are not in the common language. Oily would suffice. Sweet oil may more easily convey what you meant.

  14. really, December? I remember you posting Fall pictures last year. Hmmm.

    Anyway, it's almost december!

    Did you happen to see the slightest white outline of a figure in that illustration? She's sitting on the book ;)


  15. OK Now I need more!!!!!
    You're a fantastic writer!!!

  16. Have a wonderful time this weekend with our dear friend and please have her treat you like a queen and you treat her like a queen too.

    Love Renee xoxo

  17. marianne, thank you. i love the idea of painting with words. you are too kind. emily is in cleveland with her mother. she should be back soon. she left a phone message for me to tell you and sonia she wants you to roll down three hills.

    babs, yes, i do get butterflies. when i post something at night i am so excited first thing in the morning to see if i have any comments. p. s. only casey the narrator can tell you what's real in this story and what isn't.... :)

    walking man, now why would i want to replace such a fine word? no substitute comes close.

    lo, i don't know if it was decemember or when. but i know by february your friendship was so much appreciated and special. i see the image once you pointed it out. it pays to have an observant artist dearest friend :)

    bimbimbie, heeheehee. and tsup!

    aw, pattee, thanks a million and a half. i love to write. xoxo

    renee, know what i wish? i wish you would be with us. xoxox

  18. dear kj,
    oh dear i hope you'll forgive me for being such a poor bloging friend! i'm just back to work this week, still feeling not so great and familys been up! so now you know why i've not been around.
    i have plans though, this weekend i ought to have plenty of time to catch up!
    it looks like you've been busy.
    Did i tell you i finally ordered your book!?!
    i'll let you know when i get it.
    have a wonderful friday!

  19. lori, i know you ordered my book and i am first of all honored and second of all pacing hoping you will like it. you have to tell me the truth!

    don't ever worry about when you stop by. i know you will. and i will too. xo

  20. Ah yes love makes the world go round..... until it walks out of our lives, then life is difficult till we learn to love ourselves again as we repair our damaged hearts.
    Good words in this chapter.
    BTW have you joined as kj or under another name? cause couldn't find you to make friends with you.If you want to contract me there I'm using my real name Mandy.

  21. is a good word but it is not conducive to the drawing in of an audience not familiar with it. Now you know I like arcane and obscure words. Generally speaking though if I have to stop and go to a dictionary then the whole mood of the moment is taken and left in the dictionary. The mind wanders with the information in front of it.

  22. What happened? Did something happen kj?

    Please be well.

    Love Renee xoxo

  23. mark, it's really a good word. try it for me. you might get attached.

    renee, i'm okay. sad waves at high tide, but they're pulling back. you're a good friend, moon sister

  24. Hi kj, My first thought is that this should be Chapter One! I am drawn into the story as from the very first. I want to hear this first and then the descriptions after. The feeling of love hit me in the gut from the first paragraph! And then the twist: I've been in a committed relationship for 22 years... more intrigue building. Very nice, kj!

  25. margaret, thanks for the feedback. it means alot. i'm giving some thought to chapter order but there are still so many unwritten chapters all i can do is try alittle here and there. i surely appreciate your reading along.


  26. You know, I remember reading bits of peices of your last book, all out of order, and still not being prepared for how I wold get sucke din and stay up late to finish and cry like a bloody baby at the ending. I look forward to this new one, too.

    No regrets - still working HARD on that one!

  27. oh... another creative work... great!

    and your are meeting Debra and Lolo, eh?
    what a blessing!

    can you give them hugs and kisses for me?

    seeing friends in person is such a fabulous experience...

  28. Well, here I am waiting with jiggling anticipation for kj's first book and here she is teasing and tempting us with another!

    'Just about three years ago, I fell in love. At first sight, which was quite a feat since sight wasn’t involved until six months later.' You've caught your readers' rapt attention immaculately with that, kj. This is going to be very good indeed.

    Bonds. This, one of my favourites from Kahlil Gibran, may stir an idea up for the title: 'Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls'

  29. Wow, I really want to hear more of this. What happened next? Is it true?

  30. kj- a bit late with my comment, but wanted you to know that I am so intrigued and can't wait to read more!What a special picture to go with it too.

  31. kj, my friend, I am catching up on blogs and I *love* this. I miss you and I miss your writing.
