Monday, August 31, 2009

Easy People

No graphics today. I just feel like a poem. I stole the title from my friend Nerissa Nields and I wrote this poem a while back. That's about all the back story I can add. Thanks for taking the time, xo

Easy People

What will it take
for me to see
that I'm not you
and just can't be?

You're fine when I'm not,
I understand that,
but it's a achy confusion
that's under my hat.

I'm sifting and shredding
the truth and the lie.
I get stuck in the sandbox
instead of the sky

I wish I could say
the end is alright
but lately I'm grateful
just to show up tonight.

It's odd since I'm prone
to see starfish by day;
it's not that I'm trying
to have it my way.

I want seashells in Spring
and fires in Fall.
I want pearls on my shoulder
when I’m feeling this small.

I want grace and gravity
and a night underground.
I wish those strong arms
could wrap me around.

I want faith bursting forth
like a paper thin beam.
I’m crazy to wonder
if there's a rip at the seam.

I'm too experienced
to get lost on a lark,
but awakened and stirred
my heart's in the dark.

A corner is missing--
it's chilled to the bone.
Must I forfeit best wishes
and shut down to atone?

Say yes and I'll fight you.
Say no and I'll hide.
It's a curious burden,
this landscape inside.

I believe in this path;
I believe it's all fine.
I just wish I were better
at drawing a line.

Some chilly mornings
my eyes lose their sight
and I find myself fighting
with a terrible might.

Don't bother to tell me
to take a step back.
I'm holding on to my ticket
on this one-way track.

I’m full and I'm empty.
I'm brave and I'm weak.
I can show you devotion
if it's virtue you seek.

My trip is quite far.
The end's no straight line.
Still, I'll carry the sticks--
I've made up my mind.

Seven years later
perhaps I'll look back
and measure my choices
by what I still lack.

These arms circle tightly
around the core of it all.
You can watch me soar proudly,
Watch me pray when I fall.

I'll stand firm while I falter
I'll whimper and cry,
but that’s far far better
Then failing to try.


  1. Ah, the follies of youth that refuse to abandon us at any age. We must die trying or else what would happen to the dreamers of this world?

    You are very kind, your comment on my blog is deeply appreciated and I thank you for taking the time to write it.

  2. That's how I feel sometimes KJ...
    Send me you snail mail address I'll send you
    a postcard...

  3. your wizdry with words is pure magic, so evocative, so powerful, they pull me in each and every time. thanks for always making me think friend.xxxx

  4. With my blurry early mornign vision I first misread it as "I stole the bible from my friend" and I was a little confused!

    I like it. I definitely don't number myself among the "easy people" of the world.

  5. Actually this is a quite well done tetrameter. I like the narrative quality without to much whine involved as you build up to the end claiming your strength as your own.

    good one kj.

  6. allegra, what an honor to see you here. the follies of youth indeed, and my heart will not lessen its grasp. xo

    pattee, pattee! email's a'coming. xo

    kay, one word from you like this and my day is made! thank you always xo

    soulbrush, you are so sweet. what great words you attribute to me. but the best part is making you think. that is the best. i will be by your etsy shop soon. i am WICKED happy for you!

    cs, i'm so blurry eyed i searched the whole poem for this phrase until i realized it was in my introduction--haha! i'm not easy either but i love easily. doesn that count? :)

    mark, WHOA! this 'review' from you is worth gold to me. thank you very much. and i appreciate your skill in looking at the poem. you've helped me see it that way too. xo

  7. "feeling so small" it is true that when communication falters and the cared about person doesnt seem to care one ends up feeling small some of the time. Your poem is so articulate and expressive of emotions so difficult to express. I like the expression, too , of the contradictions in our nature. "I'm full and I'm empty, I'm brave and I'm weak." We are never just a solid one thing, but a complicated blend of many things. to me, the poem ended on a strong note, a hopeful note. blessings, suki

  8. Your words or not they're worth reading! Superior Scribbler award awaits you on my blog. Caroline x0x

  9. Kj send me your address to my email!

  10. I wish I were better at drawing lines, setting boundaries, etc.
    I wonder what my life would have turned out to be if I'd stood my ground more.

    I didn't end up in a bad place though.
    At least I'm pretty good at 'drawing.' ;)

    Like Suki, I love the hopefulness of this.

  11. Hey, friend, go have a look at today's post - I think you'll like it. :)

  12. KJ I NEED YOUR ADDRESS!!!!!!!!!!
    Email me!

  13. suki, i hadn't read this poem in a long time. i was hopeful then, but hope wasn't enough. still, i like that i saw it the way i did.

    caroline, thank you so much for the award. it means alot. nerissa told me she 'steals' material all the snitching her title just seemed right. if you haven't heard the nields sing 'easy people', google it because it's a great song. xoxo

    pattee, i sent it!!!

    lo, you didn't end up in a bad place? ha! that's an understatement. girl, you are a fantabulous wonderful person. you are one of my dearest friends. and for good reason..... xoxoxo!

    cs, hey, friend, i love it. the day breaks. the sun will come up again. for you, and for me. i've been thinking of you alot and i'm glad to see you here. we both know it's not one straight line. but when we can accept that grief and healing have their own timetable, that's a good thing. xoxo

  14. What a lovely message in your poem. There is so much love here at your blog K.j., such a wonderful feeling. Thank you for sharing all that you do.

    Oh, and the post with your Mom was perfect, my Mom has Alzheimers and lives in the similar place of here and now.

    xo lori

  15. I'm glad we've gotten to know one another a little, through Blogland Lane. This poem is a reminder to me to just keep on keeping on!Thank you.

  16. lori ann, thank you for your comments. you and i would do well to just live in the here and now, huh?!!!

    i'm loving your blog. xo

    marion, when i wrote it, i thought patience and caring would win out. maybe they still will, in ways i am not yet privy too. anyway, it's a pleasure to be sharing blogland lane with you! xo

  17. j--how i wish you would be at the big yellow writing retreat. it's been too long. in the spring, maybe? thank you now and then and always for your support. it means alot to me. xo

  18. thank you so much, nolly. i see you've been lingering here a bit. i am thankfully honored! xo

  19. I love this poem!

    "I'll stand firm while I falter
    I'll whimper and cry,
    but that’s far far better
    Then failing to try."

    This is such a strong and powerful way to end it, too. It's exactly how I feel right now.

    You are incredible!

  20. debra kay, thank you. i find i write more poetry when i'm feeling passionate or confused! go figure

    angela, your comment means alot to me. thank you. it's always nice to know someone else understands and may feel the same way. xo
