Thursday, April 04, 2024


We didn't expect our new light fixture to cast a magical shadow on the ceiling. In the dark of night, it feels like Disneyland. 

JB and I are redecorating. New living room chairs, new rug, new dining room set. It seems that we do this every decade or so, and we have the slowest and best time making decisions and trying to pull together a cohesive presentation. We finally chose chairs, to be delivered soon, and we're pulling back our old dining table from JB studio to create a rustic-coastal look, whatever that is!

People say our space is cozy and comfortable. That's exactly the look I want. That's exactly how I want to view my life. I'm old enough to know that's not always possible, but when I get a run of easy living, I'll grab it with gratitude.

Which is where I am now, two years after two years of challenges and family hospice (not us) and weekly long distance travel and orthopedic hassles (me.) But finally, life is settling down. I'm writing and drawing and planning a garden. My family is wonderful. JB is having a hip replacement next week, but we're confident it will go well. Spring and summer await on Cape Cod. 

I should add that the climate is giving the inhabitants of Earth a frighteningly rough time, and it's our fault for ignoring the signs and warnings. The wind howled here all last night and there are concerns for coastal flooding. The earth is justifiably furious. Will we learn? Is there time to correct this?

I should also add that the political climate in the USA and worldwide is also dangerous. I couldn't ignore that even if I wanted to. But today, I'm just glad my daily life has settled down. So I'm leaving it at that. 

love kj



  1. The world is a mess but your space looks lovely and peaceful. That's all we can do right now.

    1. pixie, indeed. there's the living room, and the local, and the country, and the world. I'm still hoping the universe straightens us out. love kj

  2. So glad you are enjoying your "run of easy living". Sending all healing vibes that JB's surgery and recuperation goes smoothly and you are both able to enjoy all the delights of the Cape's warm weather.

    1. hi 8, jb's home and recovering nicely. It's so great to be back to the yard and garden and spring. I'm damn thankful! love kj

  3. I LOVE the light pattern on the ceiling. And the fact that your home is cozy and comfortable. That's exactly the space I would want too - welcoming, warm, and comfortable. Good luck to jb for her hip replacement. I am sure it will go well.

    1. anonymous, thanks, this is kj. Would you let me know who you are?!

    2. This is How do we know. I dont know why it registered my comment as anonymous! There seems to be an issue with Google.

    3. hi hdwk! I'm having the same problem with google. it's always great to hear from you. love kj
