Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Just Thinking

I see I do I will I can
I ponder yonder greet a conder
Saunder wander even launder
I wonder plunder look asunder

Look for grace
Stand in place
Erase and face
All because I can

I'm sad about my blog. My six year dopamine high from sharing and supporting and connecting across the world has been lessened by Facebook, Twitter, and other social media I don't even know of. I don't have as many friends and visitors as I used to; even this image, which I think cleverly says a lot, was pillared from Facebook. I want more attention and more give and take here. There, I said it; words that begin change.

I am still writing poems again. I'm happy to say this one is optimistic and I like it. I'm at a funny place. For real reasons JB is having a difficult time and sometimes so am I. But I seem to be handling things more easily and with less angst and worry. I keep thinking that I have so much good going for me that I'm smart to keep that fact near and dear. 

I also have the luxury of looking ahead. Last year was not easy: my friend Anne died; JB and I had protracted months of financial worry; my Jess and I had a terrible breakdown (the worse of all of it); I had months of knee surgery and rehab; I had to bring my Mother to a nursing home; my brother-in-law died. And more if I think about it.

But there was joy too. That, I find, is how life tends to be.  Even in the darkest moments, little joys can slip in. JB and I bought ourselves a house in Ptown; Jess and Mike had their darling baby girl after all; I no longer work on a schedule; I have good friends; my heart got stronger; I delight in my grandkids;  my Jess is happy; JB and I are rekindling; my Mother is doing well. 

I'm rambling. This post is probably written by me for my own indulgence. But heck, on our own blogs, we say what we want. That's the point. 

But the poem: did I tell you l like this poem? I hope you do too. 

And to end at the beginning: I hope you take a chance. Or two. I hope you do.



  1. I don't suppose this post was written "for my own indulgence." You were just letting us know how you're feeling after the "interesting" year of 2013. (Yes; lots of thing happened, didn't they?)

    I do trust that you can feel you're on more of an even keel now, and that 2014 will hold delights which will unfold themselves in timely ways.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

    1. Rob, there is a point of being able to start a new calendar year: so far so good for me. I think this is the case for you too in that new house with your family and one sweet dog.


  2. Boy, you did have some really bad stuff last year, but here's to the new year.
    I have a difficult time with poetry and I don't know if it is because I lack imagination but probably more like am plain old lazy.
    And, as for blogging it is so vastly different than Facebook and all that other stuff, that I think it will continue to have its own place in the realm of clouds and things. All social media is self-indulgent and I think that is fine because by sharing ourselves, our thoughts, ideas, and emotions, we are able to have a dialogue within an unique community. The voyeur in me likes to see how other people live and what they do with their lives and relationships and by showing myself to others I obtain an almost necessary validation of who I am and want to be. So, hang in there my friend.

    1. That's what I so like and appreciate too, rubye--I especially love all the colors and words and creativity that the blogs give me. I don't think my first book would have ever been published if it weren't for the support of my blog friends.

      I will definitely hang in! You too!


  3. I do not do FaceBook or any other social media. I honestly don't know how people have the time to keep up with all those feeds of cute kittens and ugly news. Sometimes I wish there was a way to blend blogging and FaceBook, especially for political content and opinions, because I often get involved with a good debate on a blog but then I'm told that even more ideas were being discussed on FaceBook where the story was also posted, but I can't participate.

    I have a very small blog with a low readership and I am happy to keep it that way. It feels to me like friends sitting around a kitchen table chatting and I have developed beautiful correspondences with some these people. Sometimes people leave and sometimes wonderful new people (like you) arrive. Kind of like life, I guess.

    I love your poem. And the graphic has inspired me to take a chance and contact someone I lost touch with. So please keep writing . . . you never know how your thoughts and ideas will ripple out to the rest of the universe.

    1. Hi 8 , I actually like FB more than I thought I would: I don't bother with cute kittens or Rick Santorum (blah) but I learn a lot from many posts and videos. I am selective about who I let in on. FB and I screen out certain people or topics.

      I have made incredible true blue friends from my blog. Creative, fascinating friends throughout the world. And for a writer to connect with other writers and artists--that is precious gold for me

      Thanks for being a new ripple in my new year :-)


  4. Hey you...I likes your poem.

    FB - - meh right now. I like seeing what people are up to and I see the advantages, but I am getting WAY fed up with inspirational quotes from anonymous do-gooders, and trite comments. I do like some it it, but just this morning was thinking that I like it less and less. Twitter...I don't even get. Is it all just numbers? at least on the blogs you can connect with people in a more real way.
    ah, just rambling....and the whole point of this comment is......
    I likes your poem. I does.

    1. Mim. I agree. I've blocked a few people because of their syrupy sayings or political attacks. And I 'm not interested that someone bought band aids on sale at cvs. I have never twittered and won't. But there is some redundancy from FB and the blogs--I take info from FB and post it here sometimes. I don 't much like that

      Thank you that you like my poem . I still want you and Emily rabbit to do a book together. I mean it !


  5. I don't blog nearly as much any more. I don't think it's because of other social media, though - its more because I have so much else going on in my life. But blogging still has a unique place that can't be replaced by things like FB.

    1. Me too, cs. Unique and special xo


  6. Just say HI and give you a hug. I am not on FB and I don't think I will in future.
    But never say never.....

    1. Hello my friend. Definitely never say never :-) as in, apple pie and coffee


  7. So what day do you launder? I have to get a FedEx package ready?

    Shit kj there only so many hours in the day and if you don't start taking naps in the afternoon, you're going to make yourself crazy(ier).

    1. Mark, you might guess correctly there is no one day I launder. JB does most of the laundry. So save your postage. But we can launder money. And words...

  8. I agree about fb and twitter etc... but am still a holdout as I don't have the energy for the energy they tend to generate...I haven't been as good in general with the commenting etc...I've been lurking a bit. I do come here often though kj and follow your sight if that helps

  9. Thanks Zoe, you're a welcomed lurker :-)

    1. so how are you? Been lurking as stated above but haven't seen much of you! Hope you are well... Z~

  10. An interesting read.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  11. Hello Andrew , thank you. Glad to make your acquaintance

  12. I loved and understood every word of your poem and your blog commentary. I agree about other social media interrupting our blog time, and I agree with you to commit to being with blogging more frequently and being more present with it. Also, I am at a cross-roads in which I must decide if and when to take a chance, so your poem is important to me (and yay to Facebook for the image....fb has relevancy too, just need to find the right balance).

    1. Take the chance , Lydia; take it.


  13. Kj, I am big on taking chances.
    I really don't like FB, it is surface and in some cases the only way some people will communicate. Most of the blogs get few visitors, I am lucky if I get 6 comments these days. I notice that when I do go to FB, about once or twice a week for about 10 minutes I see all the bloggers there and it makes me sad, I don't know why, it just does. Everything is a choice and I choose to do something else with my time and because of that I feel I am losing my blogger friends. FB sucks :-).

    1. Annie, I know what you mean and I often feel as you've described. Lately I've heArd a sense of disillusionment with FB: I kind of hope that is so. I am sticking with my blog and I 'm glad you are too. I hope we 're in a transition and our one what lost friends and followers will be back. I've also made a few new friends lately and I 'm glad for that

      I'll be around, Annie

  14. Oh same here. I kinda moved to FB and what I share is more quick less deep, but somehow I can't turn it around. Maybe it is just like life. It goes on....... I am happy with the friend I have made along the way and some really true ones I found :)
    I am trying to CPR blogging , but not sure I will succeed. At one point it was a bit too much. I was so busy last year with other things that blogging just became difficult.
    Well we will see
    I am still following you dear here on at FB. I am trying to stay in touch

  15. It's all okay, Marianne, whatever is best for you is what you should be doing . I only blog for enjoyment, never out of obligation!

    And...your friendship is about a whole lot more than FB or blogging!

    Love love

  16. Facebook. So that's where everybody went. Well, not everybody. I'm still here, and you're still here, and, in all honesty, how many readers does one need given that blogging isn't like writing for a magazine, but is rather an avenue for two-way communication. As for myself, I'm stretched already to keep up with everyone I want to keep up with. Apparently, it's different with you.

    1. Snow, maybe ten or so bloggers that I've come to look forward to are now not blogging and I miss them. They've become friends and I miss the depth that blogging provides.

      You do a good job of keeping up; better than I


  17. I never joined Facebook or Twitter probably because I knew I'd risk becoming addicted to yet another social media format, and that would distract me from my writing. I sympathize with your dilemma, that all things go in cycles, but I imagine so it will also go with Facebook and Twitter and there will be something even more exciting and new to entice folks. I think as long as writing a blog brings you joy you should engage with it - I know for me it's a joy to visit yours.

    1. Thanks Amanda; likewise. Not once have I blogged for any reason but joy. I've loved blogging consistently :-). I know this is true for you too.

      I love to write and share and chitchat here


  18. I refuse to join facebook or twitter because they are insipid. And this way, I don't have to keep up with my family. I just smile and shrug and say, that no...I didn't see those photos because I don't do facebook. They look at me as if I am saying that I don't do water.

    1. Maria, no doubt you have your reasons and no doubt they are good reasons :-)


  19. Helllooooooooooooooo! Anybody home??? :-)

  20. Your thinking gets me thinking about what was, what should've been, what could've been and what might be. And you know what- none of that does me any good. So I prefer to live in the moment, to just BE as much as I can. As for facebool, I see it as progress and moving on- but who knows blogging may come back again one day... Sorry you had such a bad year, may this one be loads better for you all. xxxx
