Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Provincetown--Stroll-a-Long Part 6

Open the screen door to the roof deck...

Sit awhile with the sun on your face...

Until you are ready to twirl down the spiral staircase...

And stroll down the walkway...

To the street...

Where you pause to notice the bird nest tucked into the house next door.

You walk a block until you hit the bay and turn right...

And easily enjoy the buildings and houses of Commercial Street in Provincetown...

Where even the liquor store can't resist a creative turn of words...
And those blue hydrangeas dance for you everywhere...

And in between each building and house, there again is the ocean...
And you breathe...


  1. jeez, it makes me envy myself!

  2. HAHHAHHAAA!!! Imagine how envious WE are! KJ, I'm having troubles enlarging your first half of images - wanted to particularly see a "tucked bird's nest". Also think you missed posting that photograph with you twirling down the spiral staircase ;)

  3. Ahhhh... it looks like heaven! I can actually smell the salt air and hear the sea gulls!

  4. I love the yellow house and the spurt of colors on the grey and white houses. Why are the houses so close to one another? Are there no easement and zoning laws? Yes, where is the twirling photo? I would love to see that.

  5. anon, the twirling spiral photo begs for your imagination....
    (the nest in tucked into the right corner of the white house)

    carla, i'm glad somebody has a good dose of imagination!

    ces, property close to the water is built just about one top of one another, except for the zizillon million dollar homes, but even then, no sprawling acres. twirling, twirling: see above....


  6. I suppose I have to stretch my imagination to seeing something tucked and another twirling ...

  7. Beautiful Provincetown!
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. Oh, KJ, I am loving these posts.

  9. anon, did you find the nest? did you see me twirling?

    maria, thanks for visiting!

    greta jane, happy to oblige. i know how much good old new england means to you.

  10. I never had any burning desire to visit the US until recently as various bloggers post gorgeous pictures of the woods and the East Coast . . now I'm all a twitter about planning something . . .soon ish . . looks just fab! I wonder why tourists bother with the big cities and theme parks when there's scenery like that!

  11. Yes I did KJ, I saw you upsidedown, twirling out of a mass of twigs which ended up dangling from the electricity pole.

  12. Envious doesn't even begin to describe it. I'd give anything to leisurely experience all of Provincetown's simple pleasures. Your photo tour is wonderful :)

  13. oh i have literally fallen in love with this city... the more you show it to us... the more i love it...

    your words in between the photos were like the ocean in between the houses...

  14. I found myself taking a deep breath at the last photo. What a trip down memory lane. Thank you!
