Sunday, November 04, 2007


Doubt thou that the stars are on fire;

Doubt thou that the sun doth move;

Doubt truth to be a liar;

But never doubt that I love.

William Shakespeare,

It is not your job to make something happen--

Universal forces are in place for all of that.

Your work is to simply determine what you want."

Esther & Jerry Hicks, compliments of Jessie.


  1. I can cook, build, balance a checkbook, read a map, tend a garden, find my way, but most of all: thank God I've learned how to love. that alone guides me to the open air.


  2. Love, oh that too but I am glad I can pay the bill.

  3. ces, and what bill might that be?


  4. So true ... know what you want and "never give up" (from last post) are my two slogans about success! Okay, you have to throw love in there ... :)

  5. Knowing what you want is harder than it sounds. You can think you know, go for it, get it, and discover that's not really what you wanted after all. I always try to be true to myself, and follow my heart, but my heart can, and has, lead me astray.

  6. I'm working to unravel what I really want from what I think I should want and from what other's want for me. It's a complicated tangle really. Love rises about all the mess and just is. Love says pick your mother a bouguet of roses and tell her you love her even while you are trying to figure out what it all means. Love gives you time and space to find the answers.

  7. OK, I love the second quote but for me, it's easier said than done ... cause I know what I want but it's not happening : )

  8. I needed these quote today, KJ -- I got yet another rejection for a piece I submitted and I wasn't chosen to go to the MacDowell Colony ... but I'm glad I tried ... I've decided I know what I want ... and I'm making little steps to help make it happen ... that's all I can do.

  9. I didn't know that one by the bard. I like it.

    I couldn't help reacting to Ces' reaction on my reaction to your previous post here.
    I guess I'd now better go find somewhere to hide :-)

  10. The bard sure knew how to turn a phrase didn't he??

  11. I sure do! No other bard like me around! *BWARK!*

  12. Esther Hicks, that name sounds so familiar but can't place it.

    As a teenager I was in love with Shakespeare, actually IN LOVE with him. Him and Bruce Springsteen. Didn't stand a chance with either.

  13. 'Twas in another lifetime,
    one of toil and blood
    When blackness was a virtue,
    and the road was full of mud
    I came in from the wilderness,
    a creature void of form.

    "Come in," she said,
    "I'll give you,
    shelter from the storm."
    the Bob kind not the Thomas.

  14. Just stopping in to let you know I'm thinking about you and your family. I hope things are all right-I miss your blog!

  15. I like that Esther & Jerry Hicks' quote.

    In the end everything fall in place...

  16. kj, Hey, I saw a new post here this morning, and before i had a chance to comment on it, it was gone. Changed your mind? I'll wait for the next one...

  17. Great choice of some great words.

  18. kj,
    I couldn't access your blog when I click on your most recent post from google reader.

    please extend my condolences to JB. It is always tough to lose a loved one. my prayers are with her.

    and you too. tough times indeed but knowing you, you will pull through with grace.

  19. I've discovered living in the day, not reaching for tomorrow, is all I really need for peace of mind.
