Thursday, July 12, 2007


I was stung by 2 or 3 wasps today, while I was hammering a picture hook on the outside of the Magic Cottage, just before I noticed there were 50 or so agitiated pissed off wasps to the upper left of my head:

Then I tried persistently to drill a screw into a shaky Adirondack chair and when it wouldn't go in, I tried to pull the screw out and I white-hot burned my forefinger and thumb because the screw was hotter than anything else I've ever touched before:

And tonight at dinner I absentmindedly stuck the tip of my steak knife into my finger.

My right wrist and arm have been red and swollen and painfully stiff all day:

My burned skin is still white and blistering:

My finger bled for a short while and has a small puncture wound.

By the way, today was a really nice day. I puttered, hung, weeded, mulched, food shopped, stopped at the farm stand, write, made a few calls including a publishing prospect, AND hightailed it to pool for a late afternoon hour or more.

I only wish my arm had swelled up more--at least enough to equal the amount of discomfort I've had--so I could generate more sympathy as a dramatic and pathetic victim of violent crime.



  1. aaaahhh ... don't you hate it when there's nothing to show for your pain! Hope it's better soon.

  2. Wow, makes you wonder what else can go wrong. It is Friday the 13th today.

    Poor you!

  3. What an amazingly bad run of luck! Hope tommorrow is much better for you! Actually, its almost guaranteed to be better than today, Cheers!

  4. hey! i'm not complaining. i actually had a lovely day!

  5. Flaming-O! Dear Luisa! Did you swear so hard you made the one-syllable cuss words sound like four syllables?

    She Whose Name Must Not Be Mentioned

  6. What sort of wrong idea KJ? That you are accident prone? Heehee

  7. And That was a good day?! You are an amazing woman! :)

  8. At least you can bear your injuries in good humor.
    And you have had a lovely day.
    I will try to do the same today.
    Have a lovely day, I mean.

  9. Hmph! No one is sorry for me. I amputated my finger, dislocated my jaw, fractured my hip and I still have to do the laundry!!!

    She Whose Name Must Not Be Mentioned

    Pee Ess: Did you set the word verificaytion thingie? it says - "efingq"

  10. I'm not sorry, now KJ can't get away! *kiss* Bet she's sore this morning ...

    CES CES CES Is that the name that shouldn't be mentioned? Love ME!

  11. It sounds like you and I could be sisters.

  12. anonymous, only three syllables. btw, i made the reservation at the flaming-o. we should have quite the time...

    anon, you are so insightful...

    chief, it actually was a fine day because i was doing all things i enjoy. it's not until this morning that the wasp bites have reared their ugly bughead.
    sincerely, ms. amazing woman

    pieterbie, do have a lovely day, my friend.

    anonymous aka boboregard, don't go competing with me for who has the worse injuries. get that efingq laundry done and no complaining.

    jack, i love how you smell when you kiss. SMACK. SQUEAL.

    liz, yes we are sisters liz. has anyone told her about the baby who was sold to the circus and taught to be a bearded fortune teller. that is me...


  13. Jack you big mouth-beaked bird. I thought you love me and here you are accusing me of being that "She whatever dah dah dah..."

    KJ dearest, I am sorry. I heard from a reliable source, one who violated patient privacy rules that your injury is indeed serious. I heard edema, cellulitis, purulent drainage, lord knows the arm may have to be amputated...and replaced by a robotic arm.

    Okay, I made all that up.

    Seriously, I hope you feel better and please take care of yourself today.

  14. I guess puttering can be dangerous. I'm glad you kept moving right along. You go girl!

  15. ha! you're having my life!

  16. jack, you outed ces! you are indeed king!

    ces, will my robotic arm be able to hold the telephone receiver just as well? oh nevermind, i use my shoulder for that. i forgot.

    hopeful, nice to hear from you! i am an emergency room poster child just for today. then it's back to puttering.

    tammy, ain't no mountain high enough.... :)

    ziggi, ha! you're having my life too! how many bites, ziggi? i got 2, maybe 3. i had to cancel my walk down the fashion runway.

  17. Jack did not out me. I am not "Whoever That Ladiedah" is. These rumors spread like wildfire, like when Perriette said KJ and Ces are the same person. Hah! no way. If you were I and I were you, then your injuries would require major surgery or at least a cast or a major shopping spree just to keep you from feeling sorry for yourself. Get over it already. A wasp sting, why I was stung by a gigantic wasp, it was so big it crushed the house and all I did was stick a hairpin on its eye and pfft!

  18. ces. ces. CES!

    first of all, it was not just one wasp sting.

    second, what about my post traumatic stress?

    third, all this proves is i am a brave courageous woman who endures injury with grace and dignity.

    fourth, since i look to you for kindness and sympathy in situations like this, i ask you to reconsider and either help me quell my pain (is that the right word?) or buy me something from your next major shopping spree.

    and don't be encouraging those rumors we are the same person. just because we are both adorable...


  19. I do find YOU adorable KJ! That's nectar you can smell, I roll in it and suck on it daily *kiss* Wasps tend to like nectar ... *BWARK!*

  20. I attracted attention once when I scream after a wasp stung me during an summer afternoon biology class! I got sent off! Double trouble!

  21. Are the American wasps stinging softer than the Dutch ones? As a young girl a wasp 'did' my ankle and I almost fainted because of the pain. My ankle became three times the normal size and it really hurt for more than a week. I had a few waspstings, burned and cut your fingers and you are having a good time :-))

  22. Yikes, you're a walking disaster zone, girl! For goodness sake, don't volunteer to light any barbeques this week..

  23. jack, my affection for you is growing. you are one sneaky charmer of a bird.

    cream, you almost have to scream--the pain is so startling.

    weineke, i misspoke. by the second day, my arm was swollen, inflamed and painful. it was bad! the irony is that even after the "attack", before the pain really came, i spent the day doing my favorite things. plus i think i'm wired to be an optimist even when i suffer.

    shrink, hahaha. good advice, girl!

  24. Isn't it crazy how a perfectly good day can just beat you up? Here's to hoping your war-wounds are healing and the week-end is turning out perfect! From one accident to another, peace, my friend!

  25. Ah, the sting, itch, and burns of summer ... all cooled with a dip in the pool!

  26. peace to you too, singleton

    melissa, perfectly said!

  27. You have my sympathy, poor KJ, having so many accidents on one day, but you have done a lot !

  28. Don't DROWN now KJ! Take lessons from me in the bath ... *kisses*

  29. funny you should say that, jack. the rain has been pelting most of the day. i have to remember not to keep my head up and mouth open at the same time....


  30. Maybe you could wrap it in lots of gauze and grimace a lot? Glad you are able to see it as a good day in spite of all the injuries.

  31. thanks, cs. i know you live through the same optimistic lens.


    Wasps hate the sound of hammers and electric screwdrivers..when I built our deck I was stung about 10 times..and then I got a case of Cellulitis from the preservative in the green treated lumber which is arsenic HELLO!

    I hate wasps so much I go insane when I find a nest and I will waste several minutes hunting down stragglers in order to kill them and grind them into powder.

    It is good to get all of the Ow-ees out of the way all at once..I'm jealous because I am a total hacker and I manage to injure myself everyday.
