Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Be Brave?

Jessie has offered up another Be Brave challenge. The rules follow the prose and spirit of Ms. Eleanor Roosevelt who said "Do one thing every day that scares you." The rules are simple:
1. Make your own rules.
2. Do it for yourself.
3. Make a commitment for the length of time that best suits your needs--one day, one month, one year, one moment.
4. The "brave" or "scary" things that you choose to do can be as big or little as you want them to be. Sometimes it's the little things that can be the hardest, and the most rewarding.
5.Be on your own schedule.

I'm in. For me today this means two things:

1. I will continue to try to express love and appreciation to the people who matter to me even though it may be risky or rebuked or reviewed or recycled. Even when I'm tempted to hide under a dark rock. Even when the words stick in my throat. Even when my pride or my ego tells me I shouldn't.
2. I will stand by the story of Lily and Alex and honor it by pushing it as far as I can. I will believe that this is a love story with a message about connection and community that is important in its own right, not just to gay or lesbian or professional or whoever else easily accepts the focus on two women.
I will be brave. Everyday I will look for opportunities to be brave, and then I will push myself.
I would love if you might join me.


  1. my first act of bravery today is to pick up a medium pizza with sausage and ricotta cheese.....


  2. OH MY... that IS brave KJ! And I thought I was brave enough ... ;)

  3. My act of bravery today was acknowledging and accepting some compliments even though it made me blush and feel self-conscious and writing the word "crap" in a public place.

  4. Yay for you! I'm so glad you're mving forward with publishing that book. Primarily because I'm dying to read it in sequence.

  5. Hooray!! I needed this challenge ... thank you, KJ! :) You inspire me!

  6. anon, well, you ARE kind of brave...

    ces, your first act of bravery: excellent. your second act: no bodily fluid words allowed in public places.

    cs, moving forward feels great. it excites me everytime i think about it.

    melissa, ok then, let's be brave!

  7. whooohooo, kj!!! :) you're off to a good start with TWO scary things! i'm so glad you're doing this with me. i'm looking forward to hearing about your wonderfully "scary" experiences.
