It is 100% NOT FAIR that I got arrested again, not to mention that I am too little and innocent to be threatened or punished just because I threw an artichoke at a mean woman who told me I was a brat and threatened to call my Mother, all because I borrowed a little kid's colored markers. What was that little girl doing with colored markers at the farmer's market anyway; she was sitting in the grass pretending to draw trees that really looked like dried up lollipops and when I hopped up to her to ask if I could borrow her purple marker so I could draw a picture on an eggplant but not get caught so it would be a secret picture, this little girl pretended she was afraid of rabbits and she started yelling for her Mother, who came running and almost stepped on my tail just as I got out of the way and I probably shouldn't have picked up that artichoke and thrown it at her but how did I know the sharp little needle would hit her nose and make it bleed not to mention she was a total crybaby.
So I am in jail for the third time and this time there are three women with me who have secret candy bars and told me I could borrow their nightgowns to use as a pillow if I would teach them how to cry from their stomachs which of course I will because remember, I do that better than anyone but do you think I will get in trouble if they start BOO-HOO-HOO-HOO-ing in the middle of the night because I am pretty sure they won't care if anyone gets mad because they told me they are women of the night, whatever that means, but I think it means they already know how to make sounds at night.
I think kj is going to pay the $ 35 and pick me up tomorrow morning but she told me this is the last time she will help me if I ever throw anything at someone again because she said I could have hit that mean woman with the whimpy kid in the eye or broke her glasses but really, she deserved it, don't you think so?
And guess what? I still have the purple marker and I am keeping it but I might trade it to one of these women of the night in exchange for this little rubber balloon one of them has in her wallet. I told kj and she said NO WAY EMILY! but why would she say that?
I hope you have missed me and I promise when I am out of jail this time I will try to write more plus I will keep teaching you how to have more fun but I don't think I can teach anyone how to stay out of jail because really don't you think it was worth throwing the artichoke?
I do.....
Emily Rabbit