Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Mish Mash

Memorial Day Weekend. I should be here: this is Cafe Heaven in Provincetown. It could be the best breakfast place in free world. 

But I am not there: I am here.  In my yard. 

With some energetic silly weekend company

 Looking into windows

and fretting about the explosion of chipmunks who live in this old stone wall and who dig tunnels in my yard (can it be that there is truly no humane way to make this work or make them leave?)

 I am bragging about my flowers

and ferns

& enjoying the fact that JB and I are not reluctant to have a flock of tacky flamingos in the front yard

I'm admiring my back yard

& thankful to share it 

And following JB's example I'm  ready to let my favorite season slow me down

As of now, because of my Mother's ups and downs I won't be in Provincetown as often as I planned.  But you know what? It's about time I've learned how to stay steady when the winds blow. And means being where I am, not judging, and noticing. Really. I mean it.



  1. You have a really lovely home, and it looks like you have lovely weather to enjoy it.

    1. Thank you snow. It was a beautiful weekend; now I am exhausted! I hope you and Peggy had some fun xo

  2. Such a tiny little house. But it's cute. Wait; is that your garden shed? Well, it's still cute.

    From an explosion of chipmunks to a flock of tacky pink flamingos, you've got lots of livestock. Including a small biped.

    Love the inside of the house. Such an elegant place. And another biped holding down the couch, so it doesn't float away.

    Hope you're having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Rain here, today and tomorrow.

    1. You are so silly, rob xo I have to look up biped

      It has been a sunny warm 3 days. Now rain is a'coming

      Ps I'll be in touch soon xoxo

  3. It's a lesson we all need to are an apt pupil and doing great!

    Luv the Flamingos! This must put a smile on every person driving by!


    ♥ Robin ♥

    1. Haha robin about the flamingos: look at Sharon's comment below :-)

      I know you have some very special company arriving today: best best wishes

  4. the mini garden wall immediately got me to thinking of what I might do with some of the many small stones in my backyard. Inspiration is abounding.

    1. Hi Annie, the stones and rocks need a good straightening out. It's a project that excites me that I don't think I will ever get to :-) but definitely arrange your stones. My friend Martha piles one atop another in a sweet zen way. ♥

  5. Kj this felt good in my soul thank you!


    1. Well you are most welcome mr wander!

  6. Life presents us with growing up lessons doesnt it. I like how you say that:stay steady when the wind blows. I was so touched that you placed my little accordion book on yr mom's table. I hope it cheers her. Hugs, Suki

    1. Suki, it meant the world. She and I love looking at it over and over. You are so kind to me. Am I old enough and wise enough to handle challenges and losses and still hold on to my inner compass? I hope so, suki, I hope so ♥

  7. Sending you lots of love, and knowing that wherever you are is a beautiful place to be...


    p.s. I love the flock of flamingos!

    p.p.s. We have crazy amounts of chipmunks too - I think they know our yard is a safe haven, which is why they choose to dig their holes here! Ha!

    1. Kiss kiss kiss my friend kristin

      Be careful of those chipmunks. They dig underground holes and tunnels that can really screw up foundations and patios! I feel terrible that we ca not co-exist. But they have multiplied and bricks are sinking when I walk on them :-(

  8. Hi kj! Steady as she goes! Hoist the yardarm! Avast ye mateys! Sorry, I got carried away. I love your yard, and the flamingos are hysterical. I would love to see those as I walked by. We have a growing group of gnomes near our little tiny fish pond. Right outside our kitchen door, so they smile at me when I walk out. I've been thinking of you and your mom. Saw mine yesterday, and had some sweet moments that I am going to ziplock in my heart. xox

    1. Hi ya captain Pam! Thank you times 3.

      It's touch and go here: my mother is still herself but not eating much and sleeping alot . I am so happy for your sweet moments: a memory ziplock is its own treasure xoxo

  9. You're a good daughter. And yes, be where you are. I am trying to be here at my home in California, though my heart is in Maine.

    Yes, your flamingos are tacky, but your yard wears them well. I would be shaking my head if I walked by and saw them. Sorry, don't mean to be the judge of garden art.

    Sending love and love your garden,


    1. Hahaha Sharon, so my flamingos would leave you shaking your head? This is not two trite tacky pink plastics, Sharon: this is an elegant flock!!!!

      Actually I may be capable of way worse than this :-)

      Love love

  10. beautiful words and wisdom, kj. your garden looks like a heavenly retreat.....enjoy these lazy summer days.

    and i love that - being where you are, not judging, and noticing.

    you are one steady woman. embracing you, embracing your mom with healing thoughts and love.


    1. Thanks Amanda, the yard is pretty cozy :-)

      Your comment is so sweet and supportive. It means alot


  11. Good lord. once again blogger ate my comment. what the F~!

    I hope you had fun, I do. I said that in my comment but in a better, more poetic way. I just don't understand....oh, forget it. Darn blogger is all I can say.

    But really, I do hope that you had a lovely weekend.

    1. Weird Mim! I read your original comment from my email. Where it isn't here is quite a mystery :-)

      Yes I had fun. I am now exhausted.


  12. Now will you please go back to SS check is due.

    1. Now what do I have to do with your SS check? :-).

      Fact is I am headed to work this morning and thank god no work tomorrow. Little boys are exhausting, but you already know that, right mark?

      I owe you a few visits :-)

  13. Adoreeeeble! I loveLOVElove your flock of tacky flamingos! Love your yard, love your windows, especially love your ferns. Oh, LOVE the grandbabies best. You will need to sway a bit when the wind blows to never be uprooted. **blows kisses** Deb

    1. Hi deb, good advice! I have this image of a tree that refuses to bend in high winds: snap!

      I hope you had a good weekend ♥

  14. Staying steady while the winds blow is my life's ambition.

    And was that a large (costumed) frog in the yard?!



    1. Hello and welcome. Pearl :-)

      Yes indeed that was a not-so-giant frog in my yard. His alias is drew age 3 but his real name is mr diaper cous cous


  15. The guy that came up with those yard flamingoes died a pauper. If only he made the loot while he was alive! I, for one love them in a flock in a tasteful yard ;) Somehow they lose their appeal in say, trailer parks. Just sayin'!! I actually bought one of those chrome garden balls this year because Bri wanted one. The ravens keep knocking it over. Yard critics! Or maybe it's Sharon ;) hahaha! Just kidding!

    Cute pic of JB on the couch. And the yard is looking good! I have a feeling you, JB, Mim, Suki and I will be having a grand afternoon there again this summer.

    Catch you later PP, tee hee :)


    1. Hello lo, how do you know mr flamingo died a pauper? ! That would be quite a story.

      Yes: see you in my yard with lobster rolls and giant sunflowers


  16. Kj, You only have one mom, best to stay close, the beach will always be there. Lovely yard! JB has the right idea :-). xoxo

    1. Thank you, Annie. Your words mean alot to me. I hope your mom is doing okay?

      Enjoy the flow of your hands xoxo

  17. What a lovely yard. I have a hard time staying steady when the wind blows as well:) I threw a rock into Medicine Lake two weeks ago and watched the ripples spread and then disappear. That's what I want, to let the ripples spread and then disappear, to have calm waters after the ripples and to be okay with both.

    1. Great image, Lilith. That is what I want too. I'm getting better at it. Afterall, even a soft heart learns to trust the strength of its own beat. And a chaotic heart, like the predictable chaos in nature, is a Way....


  18. Nice to see the irises, Mine are long gone for the year. Your yard is looking very lush!

  19. I have never thought that 'yard' is a good enough word for garden!! It's a beautiful garden kj!

  20. KJ, heloooo there!!!!

    Your garden is a site to behold, too precious for words!

    Loooove the furry green monster!!

    You live in abeautiful world, even better than that whimsical cafe as far as I can tell ;)

  21. ps: Sight and site to behold!! Your garden ;)
