Sunday, February 19, 2006

Why I Write...

Last month I took a weekend writing workshop and was totally amazed by the talent
in our baker's dozen group. I knew I needed to "put myself where I want to be" and
that is exactly what happened.

Many months ago, I submitted a query letter to a few book agents and two
invited me to submit a book proposal. I had read and followed advice that it is best to
write a proposal and sell one's book before completing it--that way you get "paid"
during the writing process and remain necessarily flexible about publishing input.

My "book" is about happiness--are you or aren't you, and what if you are but don't know it because you're using the wrong standards?! It's kind of a serious book, including research about who is really happy and why. It's also about myself, my clients, shared hopes, and what matters most. Anyway,

Long story short, I am still trying to polish up the book proposal to my agent's
satisfaction. In the meantime, I am not sure that the actual form of the book will be what
I would have written if let to my own devices. S0---I decided to write a second book--
from start to finish--before I compromised too much on my first book.

Today I have just about finished book # 2, tentatively titled, "Good Work! Straight Up
Advice on Finding a Career and Building a Life". Since my background includes
helping people start businesses and choose careers, it will be interesting to see how I do
in selling myself. I will start this process in a matter of days.....

Am I explaining why I write? It's pretty simple: It matters.

Best wishes...


  1. Hi, KJ! Welcome to blogging :) I started to keep up with our Big Yellow pals. I hear I'll be seeing you on Monday nights this spring--I'm thrilled! I'm looking forward to hearing more of your writing.

    btw, either click on my name or go to

  2. I wish you luck on your book project.
