Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Seven Things

The wonderful and ever-fascinating Miladysa has tagged me for the following meme:
Share 7 facts about yourself - some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
Seven things about me:
1. I can't keep my clothes neat and folded. I don't know why.
2. On a related note, I hate hangers. They attack me. Same with vacuum cleaners.
3. I welcome the chance to be kind.
4. But I strongly dislike being taken advantage of.
5. I lived in Germany for two years without heat or hot water. My then husband and I had a small stove in the living room and a water tank in the bathroom and we would have to build coal fires to get any warmth at all. I would lie in bed at night and look at my chattering breath in the darkness.
6. I was arrested at age 13 for breaking and entering. My father embarrassed me at the police station by asking if I could pick up leaves at City Hall for punishment.
7. I didn't have a date for my Senior Prom in high school and it just about killed me.
I'm not tagging anyone because this week I prefer voluntary participation. Volunteers: take your places please...


  1. I can't get clothes neat and folded in the first place! In fact, I was just told that I was not to touch a certain person's laundry, ever. Huh. I think the ability to have neatly folded clothing is a vastly over-rated skill. Same for keeping things neatly on hangers.

  2. I came here to tell you how wonderful it feels to read your comments on my blog. I always know you'll have something kind and uplifting to say, and who doesn't need a little of that?
    I didn't know you'd have the '7 random things" thing going on though! So happy to read more about you. I can't tell you how many similarities there are. I could cut and paste your list with a few changes, I swear! Hey, I think I'll do it just to tell people to compare ours! I guess that means you'll have to pay me another visit :)

  3. cs, kindred soul: you should see how jb folds the laundry. precise and immaculate. i always feel privileged when i open a drawer and see my clothes so caringly stacked. but that doesn't last long--about a day at my hands.

    studio lolo, what a totally sweet comment! i just read your '7'--what a hoot. i will certainly pay you another visit, and then again.

  4. Well I never!

    1. Made me smile
    2. LOL
    3. That's lovely - you are a kind person.
    4. Ditto
    5. That must have been an experience!
    6. That's a tale and a half!
    7. They have just started having proms over here and the cool thing is NOT to have a date. You were years ahead of your time ;D

  5. Thank you for taking part KJ :D

  6. I am the queen of folding because it helps me avoid ironing! Arrested at 13! You naughty girl! My brother was marched down to the police station at six years of age by my father as a 'lesson' for pinching $50 out of my mum's wallet and spending it on toys (which he promptly bought home to play with) not the sharpest tool in the shed in those days!
